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Words that made sense...


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Having lost Daddy on December 14th, I am still somewhat numb.

A very dear friend of mine shared some words with me the other day that truly struck a chord and I wanted to share them with you. When you lose someone... people generally say " It will get easier". These words are hard to imagine.... what was passed on to me was...

"It never, ever gets easier, we simply grow stronger". Now that made perfect sense.... I wish you all strength. Much Love for the New Year. Sharon

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Wow! It's just putting it in the right perspective, isn't it? Thank you so much Sharon for sharing those words. I use Post-It-Note software on my computer desktop, and I am going to copy those words and put them right next to another quote that I read every day:

The truth is, there’s no better time to be happy than right now. . . . Your life will always be filled with challenges." - Richard Carlson




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I too am grieving for my Tim who left us on December 19th. Growing stronger is what I hope will continue to happen, and I an optomistic because I can feel his peacefulness all around me. He is watching over me and his family as he always did.

Happy New Year Sharon, it's a time for new beginnings for all of us.

Love, Cyndy

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Sharon, that is SO true. I lost my dad a long time ago -- Dec. 12, 1975. There are still so many times that I miss him SO much, and wish I could pick up the phone and talk to him.

One thing I've done that has made me feel so much closer to him was to spend the last few years doing research into my family history. He tried many times to do that -- to track down some uncles and cousins he knew he had, but back then, there weren't computer databases to make it as easy as it is now. I've put together a decent family tree with references, photos, documents, and all kinds of things that he would have been thrilled to know about. It's my testament to him and the many things he gave to me.

I'll always love and miss him.


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