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Port-A-Cath Risks and Maintenance


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I, of course, have nothing to contribute about the porta cath. I just want you to know that I think of the two of you and your son (not sure if you have more children or not) a lot. I wish there were something more I could do.

Did you ever find out why they are using a chemo that hasn't worked well for your wife in the past (I know they are combining it with something new, but still....)

I know you said the onc didn't bring up Tarceva, but maybe you need to bring it up. Your wife's "profile" suggests it has a good chance of working..

As far as changing oncs, I would say if you still are considering it, call around now. I would say that with the recent scan results, you could make the case that this is an emergecny and I am SURE that your wife would be seen within a week or two.

You could do that as a second opinion without officially leaving the current onc. That way you wouldnt be putting all your eggs in one basket.

Maybe I am out of line for expressing my opinions on this, but I worry about you both. Sheesh, I worry about us all.

love and fortitude, my friend


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Did you ever find out why they are using a chemo that hasn't worked well for your wife in the past (I know they are combining it with something new, but still....)

I know you said the onc didn't bring up Tarceva, but maybe you need to bring it up. Your wife's "profile" suggests it has a good chance of working..


Elaine :

Good question about the Gemzar and it was my first question to him. Here's HIS spin and you probably won't like it much more than I did.

The Gemzar 1200mg. / carboplatin 200mg. actually didn't fail. It worked in DELAYING progression of my wife's cancer but obviously not for the length of time that he had hoped. BTW, he highlighted as favorable that he sees no new bone mets but a progression of the existing bone mets. He states that the new chemo regimen ( Gemzar 1000mg. / Navelbine 12mg. ) is a completely different ballgame and that Gemzar now combined with Navelbine can jumpstart the process and hopefully delay progression AGAIN. He states that Gemzar's performance with carboplatin in the first line tx has no bearing on it's potential for performance combined with navelbine in the second line treatment. I don't like his tx spin and attitude any more than most of you do since we're looking for L/T sustainable improvement and remission. The terms " delaying progression " and " recurrence " seem to pop up frequency. But, in fairness to him, it's not just when speaking to him. Research Dr. Joe's messages re: peak results & chemo cycles, patient directed tx, prognosis, etc. It all smacks of the same mentality. After my wife's med onc told us of the change to Gemzar / navelbine I did a search of this combo and the first clinical study that popped up was a comparative study discussing delayed progression of the cancer with this combo.

RE: Tarceva, no mention of it by him. I will bring it up at the first sign that Gemzar / Navelbine is FAILING ( my word, not his ). I can only speculate that he is holding Tarceva as a third-line tx. BTW, the ink pin that my wife used at his office to sign a couple of documents has TARCEVA printed on it with a " T 150 " button on the clip. I've got it right in front of me as a reminder.

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Bill, sorry I’ve nothing new to add to the port a cath, but, I found the pen thing and a few other things interesting. I have been wondering if, (since Tarceva is a pill and bought through perscription), the Oncs make any money off it. I don’t fault them for trying to make their business work, but, well you understand. It is another thing to consider when deciding to accept new treatments.

Also do your wifes doctors actually claim the The Gemzar 1200mg. / carboplatin 200mg.

delayed progression and if so do they claim that specifically or based on trials.


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