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Good Night, Sweet prince


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Saturday & Sunday, April 23rd & 24th Only made 3 miles today. Cold fierce. Doc’s toes have gotten worse and I do believe that we may have to remove them before long. On short rations, now. Everett made a joke about boiling the leather on our harnesses, but I can see in his eyes that he’s suffering like the rest of us. May have to eat one of the dogs if things don’t . . .Oh! Sorry, wrong journal . . . ah, here we go –

We spent a pretty normal and slow weekend around here. Keeping up on the journal and watching the Mariner’s lose take up a good chunk of my time. I have an appointment tomorrow morning with my Onc Doc, then start my second cycle of treatment with Carboplatin and VP-16. Another three days in the whacky-juice ward at Tacoma General. This time, however, I’ll have my catheter – so no more IV. The blood tests I’ve had over the last two weeks have shown little change in my white and red blood cells, so I’m good to go for my next cycle.

The catheter, if I haven’t explained it yet, is quite a piece of work. It looks, for want of a better description, like a huge sperm cell. A round head about 1â€

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:) hello-i just wanted to let you my husband has been on oxycontin timed release meds for over a year and he gets great relief with it-with no feeling of being "dopey". he takes 40mg(timed released) oxycontin every 8 hours and then the immediate release 5mg oxycontin(2-3tabs) every 4 hours as needed. mention it to your dr.--but it is very expensive--90 oxycontin 40 mg tablets are $400.!!

that's right-i said it $400. what the hell is wrong with our healthcare system--when the drug companies benefit more than the patients. anyway-it is effective for his pain and he has used it for over a year. and of course the dr has had to increase the doses over time to keep him comfortable.

take care-god bless,nancy c.

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Well, I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post! :) Were you a writer in your former life?

Though I am sorry that we had to "meet" like this...on this forum. I did see that you were newly diagnosed, and wanted you to know that there are people on this forum cheering you on, and those who are an encouragement (see CindyRN!).

I'm no longer part of this board, but do lurk to see how everyone is doing.

Thanks for the smiles :)


Mom dx with sclc limited stage 0l/02

5 months chemo (carboplatin & etoposide), radiation, no pci

06/03 Recurrance found with follow up c/t, chemo (carboplatin & etoposide) began then stopped due to severe reaction

07/03 pet scan concurred ca in sternum

09/03 ct shows ca spread

09/03 Three 28-day cycles of cisplatinum & cpt-ll

12/03 some tumors responding, began 2 more 28 day cycles cisplatinum & cpt-ll

02/04 No growth, no reduction of tumors. Onc decided on a 4 week rest period to be followed by CT.

03/04 CT shows growth and additonal tumor in renal gland. Decided on l/2 dosage of cisplatinum and cpt-ll. Has severe reaction to chemo and has a seizure. Onc says we will now try Taxol or Gemzar.

04/04 Seizure was possibly caused by chemotherapeutic neurotoxicity. Onc is reconsidering future chemotherapy.

04/04 Hospitalized. Running tests to determine current staging.

05/04 Difficulty breathing, placed on home oxygen. Discusses administering chemo to relieve symptoms.

06/01/04 Began administration of Topotecan. Hospitalized 5 days for pnuemonia.

06/08/04 Second round of Topotecan. Tolerated well.

06/09/04 Became disoriented, extremely short of breath. Taken to ICU, placed on bi-pap machine.

06/l5/04 Received in Heaven, 5am.

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