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Dana Farber Cancer Institute is it good


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Hello everyone I hope all is well.I am still trying to find the best help for my sister and I was told today that this cancer center is VERY good it is in Boston and that Dr Bruce Johnson is the best for her kind of cancer anyone know of this place and is it as good as I have heard. If you have been there please let me know. I am so looking for the help my sister needs and the help all of you guys need.

If you know of another place let me know please she means the world to me and I need her with me and her family and friends. Well I will think of all of you tonight.

thank you

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I am Lisa's sister and I told her I would respond to you about Cancer Centers. I used to live in Md. and as a nurse case manager, I traveled to alot of different hospitals. Johns Hopkins has a well known cancer center, as well as Georgetown in D.C. Both retain expert physicians from around the globe.

Here is Pa., we have Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, that is very well known. We went there for a second opinion when my father was first diagnosed. He saw Dr. Treat, who specializes in Lung cancer alone. He gave us reassurance that the treatment that my dad's primary oncologist was proposing was the right thing. We have also called him a time or two since, just to ask his opinion on different things. He was really great.

Your sister is very lucky to have you looking out for her. Your both in our prayers.

You should try posting on the "Welcome new members" Forum, you'll be surprised all the warm responses & sound advise you will get!!

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Hi, Sorry to hear about your sister, but so glad you are there for her. Dana Farber is ranked fourth in the country for caner as of 2004. Below is a link that ranks cancer hospitals and one that gives a directory of hospitals. I have only been to the Dana Farber once. I was only sent there for a platelet transfusion. I was in and out in 90 minutes, which I thought was pretty good since that was the first time I was ever there. Everybody was very professional and very polite. My doctor also said she would sent me there if needed, who I have the up most trust and respect. I myself would not hesitate to go there. Hope this helps. Prayers for the best. Rich

http://www.usnews.com/usnews/nycu/healt ... hqcanc.htm (Best Hospitals)

http://www.usnews.com/usnews/health/hos ... p_home.htm (Directory Of American Hospitals)

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Being near Boston, Dana Farber is held in very high regard up here. I would never hesitate sending a family member there, as well as Mass General. The only first hand experience was with my college room mate 20 years ago when she was treated for lymphoma, and very successfully, I might add. I have only read about the doctor you referenced as I did my own research, so no help there. Good luck, we are all lucky to have great resources in so many areas of the country. Personally my mom chose to go with a more local doctor with great credentials(having trained and worked at a world class hospital) and an excellent bedside manner. Best of luck during this stressful time. Nancy

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