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Where are David C and Karen


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I have also been wondering. Hopefully, someone bought their house and wants to move in quickly, so they are racing around to find another. Also, I think Karen's Mother was having surgery, so post op time is probably using up any free time they may have. Hope this is the cause for their absence.

Hope your gb surgery is smooth and the recovery quick and easy.

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Sent Karen an email - got the following response..................

"thanks for asking about my mom. she had her gallbladder and half her liver removed last Wednesday. so I guess you will be joining her in the empty gallbladder club soon. everything went well, she spent six days in ICU and we could only see her for a half hour at 10 am, 2 pm and 6 pm. so instead of just staying at the hospital with her, I did alot of running back and forth, which was complicated over the weekend with Dave's parents gone to visit his sister, they took Faith which was a great help, I could not take care of her, Dave and see my Mom because Faith isn't allowed in ICU - but

Dave has not been doing very well at all so I didn't want to leave him alone for very long at a time so I would drive the hour to Mom's hospital, see her for a half hour at 10 am, drive home to spend five hours with Dave,then drive the hour (one way) back to the hospital for the 6 pm session with Mom. But she went into a regular room on Tuesday and came

home last night, for a 72 year old woman who's had her fourth major surgery in less than a year, she did great. I am so very proud of her!

Dave's not doing so well. His pain is uncontrollable, despite heavy use of oxycontin, oxycodone and gabapentin (nerve pain pills). He got a brain MRI and we saw the neurosurgeon again on Wednesday and got the news - three confirmed brain tumors. He gets a head PET on Monday, the doc puts it before a clincial review board, and then we see him again next Friday to discuss the gamma knife, which he will more than likely be having. Can't

find a source of his trigeminal nerve pain in his face, so will probably inject an alcohol block into the facial nerves to numb them, will try to do

it along with the gamma knife but he has to see, he says doing that procedure in the gamma knife OR will probably drive the staff crazy with set up (smile). anyway, he hasn't had chemo since early April - the

topotecan was killing his blood counts and, according to Dr. S., killing HIM, so he pulled Dave off the topo and was going to start him on something

else yesterday, CHOPS is the cocktail - less effective, but less killing also. He used the term "qualify of life" which made me think "not much

time left". anyway, now Dave's not getting ANY chemo until after the gamma knife. so that worries me, giving that nasty SCLC time to grow even more.

Fired the real estate agent for gross nonperformance and got a new guy, long story, but I KNOW he will sell the house fast. So am busy busy busy

trying to get the house ready as he requests, our old agent really dropped the ball on having us prep the house and especially showcasing the

riverbank properly. new guy is bringing out some high school football players that work on his farm for him to do yard work and stuff to get the

riverbank looking sharp, Monday after school. after that I imagine we'll hit the ground running, we're running short of prime selling season for

riverfront property.

well, gotta run, just got to work, I woke up with a terrible sinus headache which reminded me that in the midst of all the chaos, I have forgotten to

get my allergy shot this week, so I did that this morning before coming to work.

I won't be on the board anytime soon. I'm falling apart emotionally and I can't come on and vent so I can't come on. I'm up to my ears in keeping

everything afloat in my life so I don't have any time or emotional energy to support others like I want to. I'm trying to keep Dave alive, us out of

bankruptcy (selling the house will be a good move in that direction), and all the while not ignoring my poor mother and keep my job - so ain't much

left for anyone else right now! well, except for you, my dear friend - thanks to email.

Take care, and let's try to see each other before your surgery and Dave's. God Bless, love you guys."

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Thanks for sharing your email from Karen. Karen, I want you to know that you , David, Faith, your mom and your family are in my prayers. I don't think I could even begin to do all that you are trying to do right now. Sure hope you can get the property sold and in a new home soon. Just that alone would be an overwhelming stressful situation . If you can find the time, I hope you will give us some intermediate updates. We love you guys and we care. God Bless you all.

Love and prayers,


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