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It has been a while sense I have posted. In fact I am very much behind in reading here. Spring and Summer have me pretty busy. The days are longer so I am working much more. I have been leaving home a little after seven and not getting home until after six in the evening.

I still have good days and many bad ones but I am coping. Not a day goes by that I don't ache for Johnny but that is something that I have learned to live with. I know the pain and loss I feel will never really go away.

Despite all that I have lost I can't help but feel that I am where I belong and doing what I am meant to do. Some of my new clients are in their 90s and one has been very neglected. My heart truly goes out to her. I am trying to make up for some of the care she has not had. She has some yeast infections that were never noticed or treated and she is unable to fix meals for herself. I guess her son is trying to do right by her but he not only doesn't know how but just doesn't spend the time to learn what her problems are.

I started with this lady three weeks ago. Sense then I have got her into the shower twice and have gotten her on a routine of clean clothes. I found her feet in terrible condition so I soak them and put lotion on them every time I see her. I am also fixing her things to eat to last until I get there the next time. Right now I only see her 4 times a week but I am hoping it will become 5 week days and someone else will go on the weekends. Right now I am going every Sunday. It is a 70 mile round trip for me from my home for just 2 hours pay but I just can't let this lady down. She needs care so desperately. She has insurance to pay for her care but I have to try to convence her son that she needs it. He is not an easy person to get things across to. Her neighbors told me that for months they had been trying to get him to get help for her.She wouldn't let anyone bathe her and wore the same clothes everyday and slept in them at night. It is easy to see why she got a yeast infection.

With this lady I have used all of my training and all of my experience both in my work and personal. Perhaps that is why I am here where I am now doing this. I just hope I can make a difference in her life. Each day when I leave she hugs me and says that she loves me. She thanks me all of the time. What started out as just another job has turned into much more. She told me a few days ago that she doesn't know what she would do without me. My training and experience tells me that it is time for someone else to come in once in a while. I know it is not good for her or me to get too attatched but it sure is hard not to.

I have tomorrow off. That will be my first full day off in 3 weeks. It is hard trying to keep up my home and yard but I am not too far behind. I sure hope I can catch up in my yard tomorrow the flowers are all so beautiful if I can only finish getting rid of the weeds.

I would really appreciate it if you would all update me on some of the people here. Spacificlly Dean Carl and Elaine and Frank Lamb. I know there are others but my mind is drawing a blank so if you can think of anyone that hasn't posted often lately please let me know how they are doing. Ray S and Kieth and Carleen too. Just so many and so little time to read up on everyone. Just know that my thoughts and prayers are always with all of you. I just never knew there was so much cancer. I seem to come across someone everyday who has it or has lost someone to it. I pray that soon a cure will be found to end this nightmare, maybe then I will be able to find some peace with the pain the monster has caused in my life. God bless and keep all of you safe, happy and healthy. Lillian

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Lily, Thank you for the update. This lady is very

lucky to have you in her life now. Very sad story

just breaks my heart to read of such neglect. I am

glad you are there and able to help her to get the

care she needs and deserves. Please keep us updated

on how she is doing.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you Haylee and Don. I try to come here and read once in a while but there are so many new people it is hard to catch up once behind. My time is so limited and there is just so much going on in my life right now. I will post about some of those in the general forum.

I try to find news of the people who have been here for a while but I haven't had much success. I'm still hoping to hear from some of them. Don you and Lucy are truly an inspiration to those who are new to the journy. Lucy is really someone who gives hope to many. Sometimes I believe that we all have a roll to play in this life and what we go through along the way prepares us for that roll, obviously yours and Lucy's roll is to provide hope for those who need it so much. God bless you both for that.

I am very proud to report progress in the lady that I mentioned. I have been seeing her only 4 days a week but starting tomorrow I will go each day during the week and someone else will go on the weekend. I have talked to her son and he has bought her a lot of the things that she needed. I really don't think he realized just how bad the situation was. She had very little food other than things that need to be cooked and she doesn't use the stove nor know how to operate the microwave. Many days she was just filling up on orange juice. Now she has a variety of snacks available when no one is there to cook for her. He bought her new underwear and a new gown to get her out of the tight girdles and pants all of the time.

I have her on a routine of showers and each day I bathe the area where the yeast infection is and put medicine on it. If things keep going like they are it should be well soon. I can see great improvement there. Her feet are normal now. There are a few very dry patches of skin (I think that has to do with her age of 91) but there is no more dead skin. I still soak and put lotion on them, not because they need it any more but because she likes it so much. Her neighbors tell me they can see a great change in her. She smiles a lot more and she looks so much better with clean clothes and a shower and head wash regularly. I just feel so honored to have been able to help this dear lady. It is such a good feeling each day when I leave her and she hugs me and tells me that she loves me.

Now I really do feel as if something besides heartache is coming from the pain I have suffered the last few years. I thank God for giving me this.

Bless all of you and please keep me informed about the people I miss reading about here. I do worry about all of you. Love Lillian

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Your post brought tears to my eyes -- how much wonderful work you are doing for this 91 year old lady who was so neglected. You're doing a real "mitzvah" for her. She is so blessed to have found you.

It was good of you to post and catch us up. I wish I had some wisdom to ease your loss. I just can't imagine the ache in your heart that you live with each day.

Take care and keep us posted on you and that lady you're taking care of.

Gail p-m

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Hi Lily,

Thank you for posting. You are a beautiful women and you are making a difference in her life. You are giving her back her dignity. She has found an angel and to her, her name is Lily.

I don't know Elaine, but Frank and Dean Carl are still posting. They will have to update you on their conditions.

Our Betty (happy feet) passed this morning. She faught onehell of a battle. How fitting for her to pass on memorial day.

G-d Bless you.


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Lily, Thank you for the update. It is so good to

hear of the improvement in the elderly woman you

care for and that her son seems to be more aware

now. I agree with Maryanne this lady has found a

angel and her name is Lily. God bless you for all

you do and having such a caring heart.


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Dear Lily,

How wonderful to see you post and have found something that truly makes you're heart happy. You are a caregiver and love being one as I am also. This woman is so lucky and blessed to have you in her life and Yes, you have given her her dignity back. What a gift is that?

God gave us all gifts and you are using you're gift and it is also helping you to feel good about yourself as well. I also havent been on the board much so can not help you with the questions you have of the people you miss posting. I wonder myself about all of them.

Lily you are a Godsend to this lady and I am so glad you found eachother.

God bless you Angel Lily,


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