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Relay For Life


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I attended my second Relay For Life last night. It rained last year and I did not get to walk, so last night was the first year that I got to walk the Survivors Lap. For those of you that have never walked you need to give it a try. It is an experiance that I can not explain.

I am a little over 2 years out from surgery. I don't think I have shed the first tear since my dx. I may have cried in pain a few times, but last night as we rounded each curve people were standing there cheering us on. I about lost it. Had I not had my wife by my side I probably would have.

There were 3 state legislators there. Just as I crossed the finish line I noticed they were headed for the gate. I ran into them. One of them, whom I went to school with, said to me as were shaking hands, "you walked your survivors lap didn't you." I looked at him and said "I sure did. I would walk that lap if I had to crawl."

As some of you may recall from an earlier post of mine, I stand to loose my medical coverage at the hands of the State. You guessed it. He was one of the legislators that supported the Governer. That is a whole new story.

Anyway, I wanted to share my experience with you. Get out and walk if you can.

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I loved reading your post. I can only try to imagine how wonderful it must have made you feel to walk in the Relay for Life and what an emotional experience it must have been. The celebration of life is something all of us here can appreciate. God Bless you Bruce.

Love and Prayers,


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I'm glad that you were there to walk the survivor's lap. And I'm glad that you posted, I wanted to share something and didn't know how to, but I'm going to put it on here because I know that you'll be one to understand..

I went to my first Relay for Life last night but it was after the Survivor's walk. The reason I went was because I was on a mission, and wanted to buy 2 luminaries in memory of BobMc and DavidA. I had planned on doing this since their deaths ..

I lit the luminaries in remembrance of them, but it ended up being for me in some way. Writing their names down on the list broke my heart. I thought that I would be upset when their names were read but instead, surprisingly, I found myself smiling. All the times Bob and David ragged me about living here, all of a sudden I couldn't help but think what they would be saying to me for having their names read out loud in the middle of friggin Oklahoma. I would never hear the end of it, it still makes me laugh thinking of what they would say. It was nice, once again, to feel their humor, if that makes any sense.

I think I'll do it again next year! 8)

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I am sure that David and Bob are both smiling down at you now Debi. I totaly understand what you are saying. They are only two of the ones that helped make both you and I a survivor. I know their laughter picked me up plenty of times. BTW...YOU were right there in the middle with them. Sure had some good laughes didn't we. Thanks Debi.

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