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Oh pooh, feeling blue


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Hey guys, just asking for prayers for my family, for some reason the past 24 hours has hit my dad, me and my brother quite hard. Please pray that we may have some strength and peace. (I was proud on how well we were doing.)

I MISS HER SO MUCH!!!! Sometimes I wish we weren't as close, then maybe this wouldn't be so hard, then I snap to reality and remember my best friend, mother and confidant, and HEROINE!!!! SHE WAS AWESOME! Then I think how I could ever wish that.

Enough pity party. Please pray for peace and strength for me and my family. Thank you so much!!

Rana :(:(

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I will be praying for some peace for you. I have read your other posts and am inspired by your strength.

I know what you mean by thinking if "we weren't so close" things wouldn't be as difficult. But I am so thankful for the relationship I have with my mom. What is the saying, "it is better to be loved than to have never been loved at all". So true.

I still have days where I cry over my grandma's passing and that was almost 10 years ago.

I am wishing more peaceful days for you.

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It has been my experience that grieving comes in waves like the ocean. Sometimes it really hit you like at high tide.

Know that you are not alone, she is still with you. I had something really cool happen today but I will save it and post it on her birthday (my moms) which is Sunday.

Come here for support when you need to. I will certainly pray for you and your family.

Hugs, Shelly

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