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Rough day today...


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:cry: My dear husband, Dennis, passed away from sclc on December 15th. I miss him terribly! Some days are better than others. Every day something happens to make me think of him. Disposing of his belongings has been especially hard. Today, I sold his truck! It was sold to a really good friend of ours, but it still broke my heart to see it driven away. There is something so very final about parting with possessions. It seems to bring the reality and finality right between your eyes. I pray all of you are dealing well with your pain and loss.
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I understand what you mean... I spent the weekend at my parents home digging through some 40 years worth of possessions. It,s so difficult and emotional.

Thankfully, I have 2 brothers and a sister to help. We cried and laughed and got through it together. Of course we will be spending many more weekends there...lots to do. I hope you have someone to help you as you go through this...


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I am sorry to hear of your pain but I do know that it is real.

We have only have gone through mom's clothes. It was really easy to get rid of some because they were worn or stained (mom kept everything). Some of her more current things I couldn't let go of and I plan to do a scrap quilt to wrap myself up in. I think my dad thought I was a little wacky when I got all emotional over her favorite clothes. Those things which she loved the most I couldn't help feeling she would need them when she got back. :cry:

Hugs, Shelly

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The Quilt saonds like a GREAT IDEA. Wish I had thought of it about 2 years ago when my mom died. Another idea if there are any brothers or sisters....make small lap blankets to use when in recliner and therefore have enough old clothes so each one can have a throw. What a wonderful memory to have.

God Bless and will be praying for all of us.

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oh do i know where you are coming from. as hard as it is, i wouldn't want anyone but myself doing the job. one can get pleasant memories through the process along with bad ones but hopefully the good will overtake the bad....I have never done it for my spouse but i have done it for my mom, dad, uncle, my sister's inlaws who lived by me and not her in Houston. but to do it for one's spouse or one's child must be the hardest....i hope i don't find that one out....God Bless.....

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