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Pain after surgery?


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I have a question - my FIL may be having his surgery on 9/7, pending the outcome of his mediatinoscopy on 9/1.

We are wondering how bad his pain will be...and how long will it last after the operation. The doctors talked about pain, but didn't really quantify how bad it would be. A friend of my SIL's who works in the medical profession (not sure what he does) said that his pain will be very bad. My FIL has never had an operation before, and I am sure is not aware of what to really expect.

I know that everyone is different, and I know that they have a lot of meds to help control the pain, just looking for others experiences.


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I just had my right lung removed and barring any complications the pain is tolerable. I was using only one of the 2 prescribed pain pills since going home. It's been just over a week since the surgery and I am down to Tylenol 325 mg every 6 hours. The only real pain I have is when I forget the stitches in my back and turn really fast or stupidly.


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I can just go by Gary's pain but when he was in the hospital he took his pain meds whenever they gave it to him but when he got home 9 days later he took them for two days and then decided all he would need was tylenol. He said the pain was worse at the chest tube site then were they removed the top right lungs lobe.. But remember every one is different.Prayers to your family.


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Just after thorocotomy surgery, if you have an epidural for the post op pain and the chest tubes, it keeps you comfortable. It feeds meds that "numb" the area continuously. When they pull the chest tubes usually a pill is enough.

VAT surgery is less painful. ( Video assisted thoracotomy) because they only make little holes and don't have to break ribs.

Donna G

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