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Side effects with alimta


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My husband has just had his 4th treatment of Alimta and is very sick. He can't eat, is drinking very little and generally feels awful. This was not his experience with Carbo/Taxol a year ago. Does anyone have any info about this drug and its effects that may help ease our minds. He is also on oxycodone for pain in his back, unrelated, so they say, to the cancer. He tried Morphine but slept all the time and couldn't eat. What a nightmare! We are so worried about his not eating.

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I would just like to suggest that you not just accept this as a side effect. Call the doctor and ask about why he thinks this is happening and ask what can be done to help him. This was not a side effect my husband had to Alimta, but then again my husband had side effects to treatments others haven't . My point is don't accept it , get help with it. There are so many things that can be done. My best to you.


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I posted a reply in the newcomers forum bc my mom had the exact same experience as your hubby. She was not sick at all with carbo/taxol but was horribly sick after treatment 3 of Alimta. She lost tons of weight too. It did pass, just hang in there!!

By the way, she did become dehydrated once and had to have fluids via IV which helped a ton. Watch this closely..

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Thank you so much for your responses. My husband just read it and said how much it helps to know others are going thru or have gone through this and that there is some light at the end of this tunnel. What a blessing you are.

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I don't have any personal experience with chemo, so can't help you there. But I want you and your husband to know I'm sending lots of caring thoughts your way (and you are welcome to some of my appetite, too! 8))

I agree with the suggestion that you need not accept this as a side-effect. His doctor must know some way to help a little. Good luck!


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I am also on Alimta right now and just had my 5th treatment. How long has it been since your husband's 4th treatment. I found that the first 7-10 days are the worst and then I start feeling better and eating better. I definately think it's a side effect from the chemo.

But, like all the other chemo's I've been on, just when I start feeling human again, it's time for the next treatment! :?


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Thanks for all the info from everyone. My husband has had four treatments. The first two gave him flu like symptons after three days that subsided after maybe four days. The third treatment made him nauseous and not able to eat. However, we need to add that he was also put on Morphine for back pain and I think that created much of the loss of apetite, so he lost quite a bit of weight. He is now on oxycontin and doing a little better with food although has to take big time anti emetic. We just had a CT scan of head to make sure there was nothing there that might be causing the vomiting. Just got news that it was clear. HOoray! He is just one of those folks who doesn't take well to this drug, apparently. He is pretty groggy most of the time, and is pretty out of it on the oxycontin, but hope this will improve in a few days. I hope so, I want my normally grouchie husband back!

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