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Quite frankly -- I am offended by the ABC News site.

Lung Cancer is not soley caused by smoking.

I never smoked. Many others here also never smoked and have lung cancer. In fact up to 15%-25% of lung cancer patients never or rarely smoked.

This site makes it seem like if people quit smoking lung cancer would be a thing of the past.

It is ignorant-- and I am disappointed with ABC News.

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Joe, I'm with you regarding smoking isn't the only caused of lung cancer. And I'm NOT IMPRESSED with this Quit to Live and Lung Cancer segment.

I wonder if they will do a segment on Quit to Live and Heart Disease.

When is this going to stop? Why is Lung Cancer the ONLY cancer with a Blame factor added to it?

Well, I'm off to writing them a message via email.

I'll have to give this some serious thought.

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this is what I just posted on the ABC news discussion board as part of the "Quit to live" site...

'The message of this site is mis-leading. This site suggests that if we eradicate smoking, lung cancer would be non-existent. NOT TRUE.

I (as well as many others I know), have had to battle lung cancer despite NEVER smoking. ABC News should expand its focus and treat this disease in a holistic fashion, and remove the myth that smoking causes all cases of lung cancer.

Truth be told, I know many people through a support web site I visit, who do not know WHAT caused their lung cancer.

Christopher Reed's wife (I believe her name is Dana) never smoked! And the disturbing fact is that these type of cases are INCREASING (esp in women).

Please do us all a favor and quit blaming the victims and taking such a simplistic approach to lung cancer. Make Peter Jennings proud and do some REAL investigative reporting."

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Maybe we as a group can educate the producers about the other causes as well as smoking. Wife and I smoked, Our friend did not. Off to Email and there is strenght in numbers because the pen is mightier than the sword?

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I wrote to ABC congratulating them on having the brains to AT LEAST bring up the TOPIC of lung cancer. Seems no one else has! How they approach it is another issue. Tonight's broadcast focused on the fact that the tobacco industry is hooking kids on flavored cigarettes to the tune of 1500 per day??? Isn't that outrageous - yet it's legal. No matter how smoking is stopped, it would save many, many lives. Research could continue to find out about the lung cancers that are suffered by non-smokers and I highly applaude that as well. I have long said that NO ONE deserves cancer. But remember, the tobacco industry is building it's next group of victims even as I type this. Regardless of how you got it, LUNG CANCER S...S. BIG TIME. At least this story which is going to be on for a whole month, is a good start to educate people. Many people, especially women, are not aware that the number one cancer killer for them, is Lung Cancer. Someone said a long journey starts with one small step. Hooray, ABC.


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I understand everyones issues withe the causes of lung cancer. I live 30 minutes from RJReynolds and Phillip Morris and work 15 minutes from Lorrilard those are the biggest offenders for smoking caused Lung Cancer

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Your a 100% right. That's exactly what they did with Aids as well. When Aids first hit the news it was only GAYS that got it. (WRONG) Then they screamed and hollered and screamed some more that it ISN'T & WASN'T JUST A GAY DISEASE/ISSUE, but an ALL AROUND HEALTH ISSUE!!

And that's exactly what Lung Cancer Should be, A MAJOR ALL AROUND HEALTH ISSUE, not have SMOKING THE ONLY CAUSE ATTACHED TO IT.

As long as LC is allowed to be attached to Smoking, we will NOT get the much needed attention we need in the health world.

As I said, DO you think they will or would have a segment on QUIT TO LIVE & HEART DISEASE? Just food for thought.



All Lung cancer victims should unite, no matter HOw they got this disease. In unity there is strength.


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Exactly. The issue is that Lung Cancer needs both PREVENTION (quit smoking campaigns) and RESEARCH and TREATMENT / CURES.

By making it so simplistic and aligning it 100% with smoking, there is no need to do research around a cure. I and others are living proof that Lung cancer occurs in nonsmokers.

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I am so glad to see your post. You said exactly what I was thinking, but didn't want to offend anyone. Seems, once again that those of us who have never smoked are lost in the count. We are invisible and until the media and medical community recognize that lung cancer isn't just a smoker's cancer, we will continue to be ignored. It is a horrible feeling.

The month long special on ABC news is Quit to Live, so the title itself tells me they will concentrate more on smoking and prevention rather than on lung cancer.

I will be e-mailing ABC news also and I applaud you, Joe, your words were perfect. Thank you....


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I for one am very happy that ABC is doing a series on lung cancer. At least someone is shining a light on the issue now. This is going to be a series thoughout November. I am sure they will also be doing a story on non-smokers with lung cancer. At least this is a step in the right direction.

Best Wishes,


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