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I need to vent

Guest MomOTwins

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Guest MomOTwins

First of all, I hope this does not depress anyone. If you think it will depress you, just pass on by.

I'm a good person, I have two wonderful children to raise and a husband who I love very much and have not spent enough time with. I know so many people who are bums, the dregs of society. My brothers who never call except to ask for money (after receiving almost $30.000 after my Mom died in 1999). They have children out of wedlock, hock their wives rings to get money for beer, on and on. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't wish this disease ON ANYONE!!!!! But why me?!?!?! I did everything right, waited to have kids until I could afford them, worked hard so I could quit working when I had them, I go to church, I pay my tithe, I worship God everyday. I love my husband, I sacrifice my time and talents for people. It's just not fair!!! And now it's in my brain. I'm trying so hard to be brave but tonight I'm all alone and it just seems to have caught up with me. I can't call my husband because he is devastated by this news and I know he believes this is the end. So I have turned to you my friends.

I don't want to die. But it seems only a matter of time.


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Veronica, the people you describe who seem irresponsible and get by with it have their own kind of hell, believe me. There is no answer in this life to "Why me?" It is part of our broken world. What you need right now is a friend you can talk with -- I hope and pray you can find that person. We all need that. And, you have many friends here who understand the path you're on. Stay plugged in. Don

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Ive wondered how you are doing. I may have missed some posts, but why do you say this is the end? There are lots of people on this board with brain mets that have had successful treatments. Dont give up, my friend.

I know what you mean about why me? I think "why my wonderful father". As Ive mentioned in other posts, its his 3rd time with cancer. He was ALWAYS great to everyone, unselfish, caring, etc.

Please email me if you need a friend.

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Dear Veronica,

I have been all doom and gloom lately too because I just learned I have bone mets. I'm going to let myself wallow in just a little more self-pity and fear and then I am going to do what I've always done since being diagnosed. I'm going to get my a_ _ in gear for the big fight.

I may be down and out after receiving some bad news, but like I told my sister--I am not dead. And you are not either, Veronica. They have the gamma knife for brain mets and granted I would be extremely upset if I heard your news, but there are other people who have weathered your storm and my storm on this board and they are still alive. I want you to think like that--that's how I am thinking. This can be fixed. Let's just get started. There are a lot of promising drugs and treatment options out there for all of us.

Thinking of you.

Love, Ada

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Veronica -

Sounds like you have the same moronic oncology doctor my mom has...brain mets means it's over and just a matter of time. But I know the others here are right, and my mother's radiologist says there is NO reason that it's over with brain mets. He is compeltely convinced that when we do the scan August 25, the brain mets will be gone. And if they're not, he's going in with the gamma knife. Also, originally the oncologist said she had 2 brain mets. The radiologist looked at them again and guess what? Theres only ONE, not two.

So, don't give up. ALL cancer is treatable. I met a woman yesterday at the hospital who was in for her 1 year checkup. She had the gamma knife as experimental "surgery" a year ago and she's still free of brain cancer and she looked fantastic. She said she felt great, too.

Hang in there, keep praying, keep hoping, and vent whenever you need to. If you need to vent and are worried about upsetting people here, feel free to email me at tmaizeinlv@yahoo.com. Praying for you,


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Veronica those losers you describe aren't living life...they sound like they have already lost their sense of worth and life. Come on and fight this thing Veronica. Thank goodness you are not like your sibling or their spouses!! YOU ARE TERRIFIC!! It is okay to feel down and miserable for a little, but then you have to get back up on your horse and attack this disease. ATTITUDE and TREATMENT go hand and hand..we are all praying for you and that in and of itself can work miracles. I believe in you Veronica and I believe in miracles too. Focus on visualizing your treatment healing you and beating out the cancer....work at it...and know there are rainbows out there if we only search for them..even on a rainy day there are things of beauty..You are special and cared about by many on this site. May my positive thoughts seek you out and may God bless you with the strength to fight on. YOU TAKE CARE!!!

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It is the cruelest thing about cancer, that it seems to pick the kindest, most gentle, most undeserving people. Look at all the wonderful people here that come and support others through their own treatments and worry about their families more than themselves.

Keep posting and let us know how you're doing. We're all here for you whenever you need to come and vent.

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