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Dr. Barraras (SP?) out of North Ridge Medical

Guest pinkdiamond

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Guest pinkdiamond

My mom's Oncologist is Dr. Barraras (sp) located in Ft. Lauderdale and practices out of North Ridge Medical Center. Does anyone know him?

Also, I am going to Ft. Lauderdale on Tuesday to stay with my mom for a little while. She is supposed to be released from the hospital tomorrow. Does anyone have any suggestions for when I get her home??? ANy funny movies? Books?

Her legs are quite swollen (dr. says from the cancer) and it is difficult for her to put shoes on as well as stand on them for any length of time. She will not have a wheel chair! Any suggestions?

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I hope everything goes well with your visit. I will continue to pray for you and your mom.

Here are some suggestions on movies:


History of the World Part 1


Something about Mary

Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend

Legally Blonde 1 and 2

Books: Bible

Daisy Fae and the Miracle Man

Crossword Puzzles

The GRITS guide to life (Girls

Raised in the South)

Hope this helps!

God BLess!!


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