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Wow that was more than an hour long. Thanks for telling us about it. One comment at the end I never knew was ----"in victims over 65 yrs old only 1/4th recieve any treatment". That was just after they said that 1/2 of all lung cancer patients are over 68. No wonder why the stats are depressing!!!!!!! 1/2 would be about 90,000 people and 1/4 of them would be only 22,500 getting treatment and 67,000 getting no treatment! Why are so many getting no treatment!! I really wish we could hear more from that Lynne Robertson from the UK. She said we need to band together to change the public perception as they did for Breast Cancer and Aides. Talked about the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation and the Global Lung Cancer Coalition. She felt that we need to get the media to print our stories. Connie has been working on us to do that here in Minnesota for the past 3 yrs. Many in our small group have gotten printed up in our local papers and some in the twin cities papers. It is a start, lots more work needed. Perhaps this should be under advocacy. Would n't it be something if all 500 + of us got into our local paper for Lung Cancer awareness month -November!!! Just a thought :D

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I was thinking that same thing about getting news press -- but how do you go about doing that? I can't exactly just contact the local paper and say "I have lung cancer, would you like to do a story on me?", right!

You mentioned that Connie has advocated that issue in your town -- how have you folks gone about doing that? I think it is very important to get the word out there.

I also recall someone saying once that they sponsered a Lung Cancer golf benefit -- my fiance is a HUGE golfer -- anyone have advice on how to get that going? Do you require a sponsor?

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We have had a Lung Cancer Awareness Event ( started by Connie) here in Minnesota in November and asked local papers to inerview us as people on the committee. You can find more about it at Alcase web site under events. ( 2001, 2002 ) Also the papers up in the twin cities have columns that they ask people to submit things as " pivotal life changing events" etc. I think 3 of us have gotten into that column. We also participate in local cancer events and wear our " Lung Cancer Survivor" shirts. Randy Shaver a local sports newscaster spoke at a celebration for cancer survivors ( he is a survivor) and we jumped up and told the camera man we wanted them to interview our table we signed the release and they did! ( of course we had our shirts on) We are trying.

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I can't exactly just contact the local paper and say "I have lung cancer, would you like to do a story on me?", right!

Actually, you might be pleasantly surprised if you make that call. Esp. if you have a group of lung ca survivors who want to talk to the press. Don't be disappointed if they turn you down; I once did a press event on trauma and I got trumped by a gypsy moth that showed up in Oregon! So random events can make the press lose interest. Keep trying!

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Get your paper and figure out from reading medical articles who the medical reporter is. In our paper, they have their e-mail address with their by-line. If it's a smaller paper, contact the editor or someone via e-mail and inform them Nov is lung cancer month and you hope they will prepare a story, yada yada.

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