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Got Mad...Got Active!


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Hey All ~

We have experienced so much loss, lately. And my own frustration with LC in my life - well, it finally boiled over. It was go crazy, or DO SOMETHING to deal a few well placed kicks to LC, ya know? I chose the latter.

I contacted LUNGevity Foundation to arrange the FIRST EVER "Path to the CURE! - Superstition Mountain hike for LC Awareness". It is planned for Nov. 06 to correlate with LC Awareness Month. I've never done ANYthing like this before. PTA fundraisers were about it. :roll: I am excited, and a little nervous about it all, but I KNOW it can be a big success, and hopefully become the first annual event of it's type in AZ!! ANY suggestions, or help would be so appreciated!! All you Zonies, out there...PM ME!!! Let's show 'em what we've got!!! Who knows...With any luck, we could get national attention with a Grand Canyon type event. But I'll start with baby steps...in my own backyard :wink:

I already have dual purpose appointments set up at Mayo, here in Scottsdale...one for me, and one to solicite MAJOR sponsorship! Other "targets" are local hospitals, the State Universities, my imaging center, etc. My hubby works for Cox Communications, and they have agreed to sponsor, and assist with promotions! (OOPS - that was NOT for advertising purposes, Rick...feel free to omit, if necessary :wink: )

Anyway - this feels SO much better than the lame inertia, sadness, and anger I've been feeling lately.

Take THAT, LC!!!

Wish me luck!


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You are one force to be reckoned with, Stacey girl!!!! I am impressed and shamed at my own inactivity. After hearing all involved with Jamie's Playing for a Cure event, I became very intimidated at the prospect of doing anything locally right here.

Please keep us informed each step of the way. It would be so helpful to those of us who are activism impaired.

Any update on NODULE WATCH? I am getting a bit concerned about Fred. He goes at the end of April............BUT I have noticed some throat issues. PCP appears unconcerned about LC and has him getting his sinuses looked at. Time will tell....but in the meantime....need I tell YOU what it is like waiting :roll: !

And I DO wish you the very BEST of luck.



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I wanted to show "y'all" the State Park where the event will take place. I hope this link works: http://www.pr.state.az.us/Images/rackcardspdf/dutchman.pdf

For those who may be interested, the pamphlet gives info on camping, ammenities, weather, terrain, etc. along with trail descriptions, and some cool pics. I'm heading over right now to discuss some arrangements with the Park Service, and to plot courses 8)

Tentatively, we are pushing for the weekend of Nov. 3-6th. (Full moon that weekend...this area/park is GORGEOUS under the light of a full moon...) Not sure if it will be a one, or two-day event, as yet. I'll continue to post details as this comes together. I need to be prepared to start serious promotion by late June... :shock: (at least that is when I would like to be able to begin...) With my better half getting support from his work, we will probably even get some actual airtime promotion for this event.

Well, off to the hills....They say there's gold in them thar hills.... :wink::roll:

With MAJOR excitement!!!

~ Stacey

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