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Hoping for a reply

Guest Sally

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Hi, I am currently going through the "I-want-to-know-everything-but-the-prognosis" stage about my brother's adenocarcinoma.

I only joined this site recently and am trudging my way through all the messages.

You people are an inspiration and I nearly always end up crying as you are all so caring.

I have the delight of dealing with my brother's emotions on top of the fact that he is a teenager :roll::roll::!:

I think he's coping better than I am as he is in denial. What young person wouldn't be?

Most of the people I've read about have only been diagnosed in 2003. Is there anyone out there with stage II for a longer time.

I'd love to hear from you.

Praying every day for a cure.

Why can't you hear me God?


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My mom has NSCLC, she was diagnosed in Jan 2002. I believe she would have been diagnosed at least a year or 2 earlier, had she even gone to the doctor; she had the symptoms and just looked really ill.

I'm still learning about this disease, as I'm sure you and your family are too.

I don't want to step on any toes here, after all, I'm new, and I'm not the one who actually has the disease, but I think if you've got a will to survive, that certainly must aid in fighting the illness.


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There are many, many Stage II and higher long term survivors here on this board.

As far as prognosis goes, no one knows that, so why even ask? Estimates are just that, estimates. Also a lot of that information is outdated and, your brother is young. That definately is a positive. If he is otherwise very healthy, that is a positive.

I think attitude plays a big role in survival. He should recover from surgery very easily, if chemo is required, he should tolerate that well. Remember a lot of lung cancer patients are older people, and may have other health issues too, such as cardiac, etc. All of that information must be taken into consideration when prescribing chemo and performing surgery.

I do hope that he has a medical team that takes an aggressive approach to this, though.

And, as far as "how long does he have", I read an excellent post on that the other day right here on this board. I wish I could remember who, or on what forum, but the idea was--how long do I have? Till the cows come home, till pigs fly, as long as I want, and a few other well-known expressions.

There are survivors from every stage of every form of cancer. I wish your brother all good luck, and am happy that he has a sister with such great concern. You will be a comfort to him, and that's your job.

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Hi Sally,

I already love you for caring so much about your brother and being his advocate and a large share of his support system (I come from a large family: 4 brothers and 2 sisters living).

I'm a stage IIa who is 18 mos. out from diagnosis and living a wonderfully full life: downhill skiing, hiking, camping, biking, rafting, canoeing, traveling, etc., etc., which I shall continue to do unless this d**n disease totally wipes me out even if I have to be pushed around in a wheelbarrow. As Fay A. says, I'm not going to let it conquer my spirit, even if it takes over my body.

I pray for only the best of outcomes for your little brother who is sooooo young. I can be rather blasé about the whole mess, because at 60, I have raised a wonderful family, experienced love and fulfillment with my husband, and contributed to society through my teaching. He is in a totally different space, but will come to terms with this. Youth and new research and time and YOU are on his side.

Give him a huge hug from me, if he will let you.

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Dear Sally,

I agree with the other posts that mention that youth is a good quality to have when fighting disease. Do they have any idea how he contracted this? Have they formally given it a name? What options have they given your brother - surgery, chemo, radiation? Also, there is a 19 year old on this board named Jay, i believe he's from Argentina, and unfortunately, he has this horrible disease, but i believe he's doing very well with treatment. Please continue to post and read and you'll learn an awful lot here which will help your brother along the way. Think positively, we're all rootin' for you.


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Hi again Sally, I just sent you a reply to your PM. :) So very glad your hear and yes what a wonderful sister you are. We sometimes forget that cancer effects the entire family. What a terrible disease it is. :x

Your brother is young and has a lot going for him. I'm also a stage IIB( as you know) and have been doing just fine for almost 2 & 1/2 years now, However my buddy Dave P who will probable follow with his own post has been surviving for some 26 years now. He was also diagnosed at a young age like your brother. He races mountain bikes now. Don't want to steal his thunder so I'll let him answer ya.

God bless and you and your brother will be in my prayers.

Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

" absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

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