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Senator Richard Burr


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I Recieved a Snail Mail personal letter from Sen. Richard Burr who was sent the Lung Cancer Alliances Proposal and he was asked to support it By me! HE WILL SUPPORT THIS As a member of the Swnate Health,Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. WE have Senator Boxer, Representative Cardoza and Senator Richard Burr supporting this Cause. Thanks everyone,

Randy Walllin

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I 2nd that Yay!!!! Boxer is from California. California is really getting active about smoking. They are running so many non smoking ads on TV and talking about LC. WooooHoooo.....WTG all Now we need a cure for LC, early and late stage...or at least a treatment for being chronic...

Praying for all of us

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yay!! Rep Cardoza is from California, too. In fact, he's my Rep! I recently wrote to him, and Senators Boxer and Feinstein (his and Senator Boxer's reply posted in this forum) asking for their support of S.Res 408 and H.Res 739.

If you let them know of your concerns, they really do listen!

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  • 1 month later...

That's great but not all LC is from smoking! I just made a post in the Grieving forum about EARLY DETECTION. There is always discussion about cures and new chemos but where is the attention to SCREENING. My anger about lack of screening is there, sorry.

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  • 1 month later...

Remember that wood smoke has more cancer causing chemicals than tobacco smoke and the particles are so small they get imbedded in the lung. Most people don't know this, we didn't.

They believe that is what caused my mother's lung cancer as she was a non-smoker but was exposed to wood smoke on a daily basis. She plans on walking in the relay for life in our area with a sign saying not only cigs cause cancer so does wood smoke.

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Wood smoke, Cigarettes, Mycotoxins which are molds, Chemical agents sprayed ove rht land by our government (Agent Orange specifically) there are so many but Politics and Stigmatisms dictate general thoughts on topics I believe. There are so may causes.

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