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A Friendly Warning About ALIMTA


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JMO but I'd take it as it costs you nothing to consider it and it may save a life.

This is admittedly a very early and premature opinion but considering the terrible consequences if I'm right it can't wait. I'd much rather be able to report a retraction rather than a confirmation.

Over the past week ( post-Alimta tx ) my wife's lungs have progressively filled with " multifocal parenchymal opacities ". Finally, after several days w/o tx and increased opacities a pulmonologist started my wife on Solu-Medrol. Interesting to discover that according to the latest follow-up CXR report ( 24 hrs. after initiating steroid tx ) these opacities are suddenly stable. But, no improvement. IMO, this development suggests that the steroidal tx ( Solu-Medrol ) may be able to stop or at least slow the progression of suspected alveolitis but previous damage may be irreversible. This suggests that Peggy's explanation is correct that the alveolitis seen in her husband was destructive and ireversible. The earlier caught the less damage, maybe. Not sure as inflammation resistant to steroidal tx is a strange breed. Untreated it looks like the suspected alveolitis would simply continue to spread until it engulfs the entire lung field(s). IMO anyone that has received, is about to receive, or is planning to receive Alimta should be particularly alert for any unexplainable CXR opacities that appear after receiving Alimta or during tx with Alimta. If you experience extreme fatigue and SOB head straight to the hospital and demand, as part of your tx, steroid tx w/o delay. My wife is now left in a horrible situation. Massive lung opacities, very likely alveolitis as with Peggy's husband, that appears to be resistant to steroidal tx plus cancer progression in her lungs as she can't receive any chemo while in such grave condition. Unless the previously described opacities suddenly start to clear, her lung fields will gradually, literally be engulfed with this increased opacity plus tumors leading to a suffocation and respiratory arrest. I have agreed to a DNR order. The medical staff is in defensive mode but the pulmonologist did not dispute my suspicions and even went so far as to admit this morning that " Alimta may have played a role ". As Peggy would probably say, no absolute certainty that this is the scenario with Alimta as the culprit. But, if not, it's one helluva coincidence. In fairness to Alimta, I will report any change in my wife's condition that would seem to exonerates Alimta. Unlike some physicians that I've been dealing with, I'm not afraid to admit when I'm wrong.

Good luck and be careful.


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I guess you have also gotten the messages I have posted on the board , as well as my answer to Rob about this very same subject. "Ground glass opacity" is what the doctor called it... and called it pneumonitis. Can be caused by radiation or chemo, but it did indeed happen to Mike while on Alimta... God be with you, your wife and your family.


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Dear Bill

Thank you for continuing to use your experiences to help others. It is very generous of you to find the time right now to pass on information that may be pertinent to other members.

My best wishes for your family.


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Thanks for taking the time to post about this. Alimta can be some nasty stuff. John had his 6th (and hopefully last) treatment on Friday. It is really dragging him right down. I am so very sorry about what you and your wife are going through. You are a wonderful advocate for her.

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Thanks Bill:

Again, I am very sorry that this happened to your wife.

I consider myself warned. I was planning to start alimta in a couple of weeks, but may reconsider. My other choices are tarceva and taxotere. I think I will talk to the lung cancer oncologist about it, at Swedish Cancer Institue, which is a major cancer center. My remaining lung is in pretty good shape now, the small tumor that I have will be killed by targeted radiation. I would hate to lose any more capacity because of my alveolas being destoyed by a reaction to alimta, even just a little. The chemo is supposed to kill off the tumor in case it is not quite dead and I think to kill any remaining cancer cells. It is supposed to be adjuvant. I would have just 4 rounds. Yeah...well I am going to talk to the onc about it. Maybe I will just do tarceva even though I am a former smoker.

Don M

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