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Any Moffit patients on board with advice??


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Hi everyone,

I'm so glad I found this board. I was diagnosed a couple of weeks ago and have surgery scheduled at Moffit July 10. I have very mixed feelings about Moffit and would love to hear from anyone who has had treatment there to give me some insights as to what to expect as an in-patient, how good they are, etc. Thanks,


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Hi Mary, I PM'd you (at least I think I did) by hitting the PM icon below your post to me. I don't know if you got it, or if I'm set up to receive one back from you. I'm still finding my way around this board. If you don't hear back from me, it means I haven't found your reply so maybe you can post something to me here. Thanks,


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Guest LisainFlorida

Hi Eileen..

I was just a Moffit for the first time last week. I am having VATS surgery on July 20th.

They are going to take out my nodules to biopsy them to find out if they are cancer. My doctor told me the opposite of yours. He says mine most likely are not cancer even though I am also a smoker and have smoked for 22 years. I had a pet and my nodules lit up a little but I had a place in my mediastinum light up bright but the CT scan doesn't show anything in the mediastinum. I have been waiting for 2 1/2 months already to find out if I have cancer. I have been crazy sometimes.

I hope everything goes well for you. Moffit is my second opinion and they sound like they really know what they are doing. Who is your surgeon? Mine is Dr. Sommers.

Good luck and keep in touch.

May God be with you!


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Hi Lisa,

That's exactly who I have, Dr. Sommers. Did he give you any idea how you could glow on the PET scan yet it not be cancer? I wonder what else would cause you to "light up"?

I don't know what VATS surgery is, but I'm guessing it's maybe a biopsy???

I'll certainly keep in touch with you and let you know how it went for me over there. Today has been the worst day yet for me: I don't know what happened, but I had something like a melt down this morning. Hit me out of the blue and I cried more than I've cried in the last ten years. I just don't want to see anyone and have slept on and off all day. This is a new twist in the road to me.

I'm so glad that Sommers doesn't think you have cancer--he used (and wrote) the word "undoubtedly" with me and I just get the feeling the man just knows what he's talking about.

Take care of yourself,


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Moffit is a National Cancer Institute "Designated" cancer center. Which means it had to pass certain standards to get listed by NIH.

Basically it got a rubber stamp just like Sloan, Hopkins and many other cancer centers around the country

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My husband had all his treatment at Moffitt. He also had Dr. Sommers for his lung surgery. His PA Joe (can't remember last name now) was very helpful and responsive to any ? Don't have time to write anymore now, but if you PM me I will give you my phone number. Everyone at Moffitt was great to us the year we went there.


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