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Update on Mom


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Hello everyone,

I just wanted to update you on my mother since we got bad news a few weeks ago. She started a new chemo two weeks ago and is tolerating it very well. Her liver function has improved slightly and she is feeling a bit better. The doctor feels that the chemo may at least be slowing the cancer down. He told us that if this chemo did work it would only prolong her life another month or two. I'm just glad that she is feeling a little better. She is now asking to see everyone as much as possible (kids, grandkids, friends) She talks about who she is going to see in heaven. It seems like she has accepted the outcome of her cancer. She is a fighter and has not given up yet but on the other hand she has a strong faith and knows that it may be her time to go. Thank you for all of your support. I pray for all of you daily.


Susan M.

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