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No Pnuenoma/Started Irressa

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Well I went to the Dr. today and I have been taken off the clinical trial I was on of Veldane and Taxotore. The "fluffys' are cancer fingers which are clogging up my lymph nodes which accouts for my shortness of breath. At least that was what in my panicked mode I picked up in laymans language. Bottom line this regime has stopped working for me.

Does anyknow of any good success stories with Iressa? Is there treatment after Iressa?




Well Janet my husband is doing very well with the Iressa. It does have side effects like a terrible rash that is like no other rash you've seen, and diarhea. Some have had other problems like pneumonia (Lucie I believe).

If you get the rash, e-mail me and I can give you some info that may help.

He was on several types of chemo and radiation that shrunk the cancer but did not eliminate it. His first scan after starting the Iressa showed almost 1 cm in additional shrinkage. Whatever it is doing, it is stopping the cancer from progressing. I hope it does the same for you! :)



If you lo0k in the general section around JUly 19 there is a posting by me titled If you're on Iressa dad despirately needs you. There is some good info in there. I asked that everyone be honest because I wanted to show my dad the pros and cons. Unfortunately dad never had a chance to start Iressa. Its good reading until all your responses come in. Good Luck and I hope the info helps you

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