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Good Grief--Quitting is hard!!


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Well, I am into Day 3. It really has not been as bad as I thought. This patch is really helping me. I do get an occasional craving..Like last night watching my Tigers beat Notre Dame..but I have been able so far to deal with it. I smoked for 27 years..at least a pack a day. I was just tired of cigarettes controling me. They are awful and they make people sick. After my sister was diagnosed with lung cancer, I started to hate cigarettes. I am praying to get to a point that I don't want one anymore. Good Luck, Linda and let me know how the Rx works.

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You can do it!!!!!!

I know you can. Dr. Phil always says to break a habit (which I realize cigs are an addition too) you need to replace the behavior. I have never smoked, so I don't know, but I think it sounds like you are on the right track! Keep it up!


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Thanks for the encouragement, Jen. There are only so many loli-pops and jolly ranchers that I can eat. I found myself thumping my Tootsie Roll Pop like I would thump the ashes off of my cigarette. I am also noticing that my fuse is a little shorter lately. I just want to get through this without blowing my cool and losing my job or my kids. I can't imagine how I would be without this patch on. (Shudder)

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I smoked for 10 years, quit for 3, smoked again for 4, and quit a final time 5 1/2 years ago. I quit because I wanted to parent and of all the things I wanted to teach my kids - I did NOT want to teach them to smoke. It was a very hard thing to do - quit. Day 3 was the hardest and within 2 weeks the nicotine is out of the system and the addiction at that point in time is all in the head. I didn't want to be addicted any more. I was tired of carrying around a lighter and spare change for the cig machine and the eternal pack in the pocket. It is so freeing to not have to carry those things around any more! My little secret as to why I haven't started smoking again - even when the stress is enough to make me crazy - I don't want to have to quit again! I don't want to have to go thru the cravings and withdrawl ever again. It sucked. Hang in there folks. You can do it!


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Hey "Bobby,"

I've been smoking for 41 years. Now, although I was told that the type of cancer I have is "normally not associated with smoking" I'm pretty darn sure that it is. However, I stand by my argument that smoking has become an obvious scapegoat for the oil companies and all other entities that are responsible for polluting the environment. For example, here in Los Angeles it is hard to ignore the health effects of so many tailpipes pumping out noxious gases. I would be very interested to see the results of a comparative study between urban/rural living and lung cancer. But that aside, I do think smoking is a major factor -- how could it not be?

Anyway, from your posts I see that you're at that critical point -- the first 48 hours. All you've got to remember is that once those initial 48 hours have passed it only gets easier. I'll check back and see how you're doing.

I do think it's very important that you do this for yourself and not as a panic response to your sister's condition. Although I wouldn't know, I can imagine that a life without cigarettes is much more enjoyable than a life with them. It is an insidious habit that not only rots the body but eats away at the mind and spirit. I'm still struggling with my battle to quit and I can fully appreciate what you're going through at the moment. Try to hang in there. It's worth it.

My best wishes to you and your sister.


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Thanks Bill and actually I am doing this for myself. I think my sister's situation made me come to this decision. She quit about a month after she was diagnosed, and she is very happy now that she has. I had been thinking of quitting before all of this, but was never serious. The cons never outranked the pros for me. I never really believed that Lung Cancer was caused by cigarettes. I know the Surgeon General said it was..but I still never really believed it, or at least never allowed myself to believe it. Well, now I do and it scares the cr*p out of me. Anyway, I do wish you luck in your cessation and will look for your posts. It is always a little easier to quit when others are with you.


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Well Barbara,

Luckily I'm the only one in my immediate family that smokes. My children have never smoked and my sister -- who happens to be named Barbara -- quit years ago. So it's just me, which is a blessing as far as I'm concerned. My desire to quit doesn't come from a fear of cancer -- a bit late in the day for that -- but it would be nice to get rid of this demon of mine before I die. :)

Stick with the fight and you'll win for sure, but only after you've won will you fully reap the rewards. In the meantime just accept the fact that it's going to be a hard struggle. You know you can do it ... SO DO IT !!!

And your sister's fight can also be won. :D


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Bill, my sister couldn't quit right away either. She didn't want to. She said, "the damage has been done". I think what made her finally decide to quit was the looks people would give her when they saw her smoke. I got a few looks myself from co-workers after they found out that my sister has lung cancer. Also, her Dr. did tell her that her Chemo would be affected by cigarettes. It is hard, but so much harder if you aren't ready. This is my 1st time to seriously try to quit. I knew I couldn't do it cold turkey. My sister did it cold Turkey, and she said she may smoke 1 cigarette a month now..when she just can't deal with things, but she has not had a desire to pick up the habit again. Say a prayer for me; but if you do decide to quit..Try the patch. It is a real help for me, so far.

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Hmmm, looks from people? Now where have I seen those looks before :)

I could comment but rather I'll defer back to Oscar Wilde who had this to say about personal choice:

"There are moments when one has to choose between living one's life, fully, entirely, completely -- or dragging out some false, shallow, degrading existence that the world in its hypocrisy demands."

The next time the urge to have a cigarette comes upon you (which I suspect is every hour or so), go outside and look up. Find a cloud, take a deep breath, then imagine yourself in that cloud looking down. Who do you see?

Now smile.


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Bill, I really try not to be persuaded to change my behaviors, by those who would judge me, other than the ones I love. My kids,parents,siblings and close friends were the only ones whose "looks" actually bothered me. I know they have my best interest at heart..however, had I a good enough argument I would not have so easily given in to even them.

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It may be a couple of months before I join you in my own next quit attempt (and I'm rather angry about it at the moment). I was told by the nurse that I'd have to come in for ANOTHER office visit before I could get the Chantix Rx. Now, I've been in that office numerous times over the last year, the last one being about 5 weeks ago (with labs too the last several visits) -- each office visit is well over $100 for me out of pocket with the insurance (plus lab expense of about equal cost) I have and I really, really need to watch the expense machine with my estate issues. As it is, I have to go back for follow-up visit in the next few months (and more labs -- no one panic about the labs either, it's a hormone thing we are trying to balance as well as watch my cholesterol with some diet changes).

I told the nurse my costs and insurance situation and, while she gasped, she didn't think my doc. would do it without another visit. I also explained to her that this would be quit #3 and that I'd already done cold turkey and the patch....the patch actually makes me ill too. So I told her I guess I'll just have to pass on the visit and keep smoking then. Silence on the phone......

That response really does make me angry. As far as I'm concerned, all the hype of the medical community saying how bad smoking is, they sure aren't willing to cut the standard red tape response with a patient to do it. I'd understand if I hadn't seen the doc. in a long while, but this I don't understand. Chantix isn't covered by insurance either as I understand, so that office visit expense would almost pay for the first month of the Rx too in my budget world right now.

We'll see if I happen to get a response from the doc. yet or this is stalled..... :evil:


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Well, hopefully, in a couple of months I will be well on my way to being an ex-smoker and I will be able to help you somewhat. Don't let one monkey stop your show though. If you really want to quit, find another way. Who knows, Chantix may not be your way either and that will have been two months gone by for nothing. I kept putting my quitting off too. There was always something..Holidays..work deadlines..til I finally accepted the fact that there is always going to be something to keep me from quitting. Anyway, Let me know if you decide to try it with something else or just wait for the Chantix.

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I actually thought the same thing you did -- two months wasted........my only alternative at present is to go for cold turkey again; the patch was horrible for me personally -- I had to actually cut those things up in smaller sizes to avoid getting sick and they still had side effects for me (long story); can't do the gum due to my dental work; any other Rx support puts me in the same situation I'm in now.

Stay tuned though, while I really feel that Chantix is my best chance at success (rather excited about it from my research), I'm in the process of stoking my anger inside with this new development to see if I can get up the nerve to go for cold turkey again sooner rather than later. I'm not there today.

Let me add one more thing: in mid-February, I am going away to a place for 10 days that will not permit smoking. None at all, anywhere, and I really, really want to go to that place for those 10 days to participate in their activities. If I don't do something before then, I will be quitting cold turkey for those 10 days -- the environment will be positive though, I won't have to worry about being "tempted" by seeing anyone else around me smoking or smelling it, and it will give me a chance to adjust my life accordingly -- no point in musing about smoking when you just plain can't now is there?. I'm hopeful that that will let me come home and just continue not being a smoker as well. So, you see, there is a mental quit date at hand for me to consider.

Kinda' makes you wonder how I could be committed to do that in Feb. when I don't feel ready for another cold turkey, doesn't it? Well, it's not an option there; it's an option at home right now like it always has been and that's my struggle. Also, my prior quits lasted longer than 10 days before I went back.......

There's hope, one way or another here. :)


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Makes me chuckle. I'm such a roaring b**ch that no one would dare give me a "look" about my smoking.

They do go behind my back to relatives and ask what the deal is with me still smoking. My SIL tells people that if she were told that eating chocolate could cause some catastrophic disease for her, she wouldn't stop eating it. She figures the same holds true for me.

Stupid is as stupid does in my case.

Rock on Bobby to day 5!

And Linda -- at least your mind is moving in the right direction. I could tear my hair out at the stupidity of the medical establishment! :roll:


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Thanks, Sue. That site has been mentioned a couple of times and I think I just may go there. I may actually be having hot flashes now. I want a cigarette..then again..I don't. I do not want to have to start over!! I am working on 5 days now. The weak moments seem to be more often now than in the 1st three days. I think my co-workers want to give me a cigarette. I am a little "testy".

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