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I'm so dumb I don't even know what questions to ask!!!!

Fay A.

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I need help from people who have experience starting an in person support group. The time has come to make the first steps, and I would appreciate hearing from anyone and everyone who has either started a group, or attends a group. I'm looking for any info you may have to share. You may send this private message if you like, but I think that othes who are considering doing this would benefit from what may be shared here. I am going into this completely blind (and some might say "dumb"). I truly have no idea of how to do this, but I'm going to give it my best shot....

Fay A.

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Face to face group, well it must be dependable. That is why you need a partner to lead it, just in case you are sick or something, some one will be there on a regular basis., what ever times you pick.

In our group we always have a "check in time" go around the table or group letting everyone share what is going on, how they are doing, if a new member they can share their story. If you have 4-5 people no limit , but some one needs to moderate if you have a large group, say 15-18 or not all will get a chance.

Connie usually plans every few months a speaker, we had a great speaker recently on grief, must greive loosing health, maybe your job, etc it was very good. We also had someone speak to us on using herbs, food supplements, a pharmacist.

Connie gives new members a folder with resource info in it.

Have you heard of HIPPA? New federal law re privacy. It makes a difference for mailings etc, Can't have the envelope 'LABELED " lung cancer because that takes privacy away. We get members permission to be on our buddy calling list, permission to give out their phone to other members.

Our group is very up beat, considering we all have been afflicted with lung cancer. I have heard of some groups that get in the habit of "crying ' of each others shoulders through the whole meeting and complaining etc. We are more in to sharing what works, encouraging good times, enjoying life the best we can. We also have coffee, hot tea, water and general cookies or cake to snack on. Believe me Connie put this all together she is your best source of info. Donna G

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