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ok, I am an idiot


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Just wanted to let you guys laugh with me AT me...I recently saw a post by a woman that uses the name DianeP...and, now I feel really dumb for thinking this...I swear, I thought to myself "Oh, wow, DavidP's wife is posting!!! Cool!" DUUHHHH! :oops:

As my hero, Bugs Bunny would say "what a maroon" I am... :oops::oops::oops:

Be gentle....Deb

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I can see the connection. Of course, everyone with last initial of "P" must be related and/or married. Sure.

If it makes you feel any better, I have a real loser moment. Our light burnt out in our bathroom. We're not the best about changing light bulbs. THis was a recessed light and I couldn't figure out how to get it open (so naturally how could my husband?). I showered for about, hmm 3 weeks in the dark. I took my son in to kill a spider for me before my shower (I'm afraid, he's not). He flicks the light on. "No Andrew, the light doesn't work," I say as light shines. "Yea it does MOM." With the light on, I saw the empty light bulb box. I go upstairs and ask my husband, "When did you change the light in the bathroom?" He replies, "the next day. Who would shower in the dark?"

So, I'm not the brightest bulb in the box. tee hee

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I can see the connection. Of course, everyone with last initial of "P" must be related and/or married. Sure.

If it makes you feel any better, I have a real loser moment. Our light burnt out in our bathroom. We're not the best about changing light bulbs. THis was a recessed light and I couldn't figure out how to get it open (so naturally how could my husband?). I showered for about, hmm 3 weeks in the dark. I took my son in to kill a spider for me before my shower (I'm afraid, he's not). He flicks the light on. "No Andrew, the light doesn't work," I say as light shines. "Yea it does MOM." With the light on, I saw the empty light bulb box. I go upstairs and ask my husband, "When did you change the light in the bathroom?" He replies, "the next day. Who would shower in the dark?"

So, I'm not the brightest bulb in the box. tee hee

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