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Tarceva use in former smokers

Shelley (MLC)

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Hi Ernie, I thought that Avastin sounded very promising also. On our first oncology visit, mom's Dr. said that he wouldn't recommend Avastin for her because of the history of smoking and the fact that her cancer was squamous cell and one of the larger masses was cavitary...at least that's what I believe his reasons were. He said because of this, she would have a very high chance of severe bleeding. He said he would be happy to do whatever we wanted though. Did you have any problems with the Avastin?


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I will chirp in here too - as for Avastin our oncologists said the same thing. Large mass and around pulminary arteries could have bleeding complications. My husband quit smoking a month ago and just started tarceva....we are praying it shows results. Maybe avastin would be an option if tarceva shrinks the mass.....Heather

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Thanks Heather. It always helps to see that others have had similar advice. Since everyone in the family is counting on me to get the answers, (I'm the oldest and also married to a Physician) I'd hate to miss something that could help her. Good luck to your husband with his treatment. It looks like he's been through quite a bit already. Shelley

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