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something new could this be a new cancer?


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For 6 weeks Gary has had major breathing problems and it was a sudden onset. We went to our GP and pulmonary doc and they both said asthma since the pollen is so high. Gary went back to the pulmonary doc last Tues and after a few tests he said this was not asthma. So we went for a CT angeogram and it showed many small embolisms in both lungs plus a larger one in the pulmonary artery so he was admitted to the hospital. They where giving him a shot of lovenox in his belly everyday plus a 10 mg coumadin pill at night. They do not know where they are coming from. He came home Sat and on Sunday he was so sick vomiting,the runs and confusion. The home nurs came when this all started and she took his PT/INR levels and the INR was way to high 3.5. She said this was a side effect of the drugs and stopped them.He is now on one coumadin 2.5 a day and his INR is good at 2.3.Our ONC called us late tues night after looking at the Xray that Gary also had taken for his three month check up next week to warn us of the embolisms and we told him that he was taken care of (what a great ONC we have).Since they do not know what is causing this and they ruled out the legs could it be cancer breaking up as clots??????? I read that could happen.Has anyone else had this happen?


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A friend of mine (age 60) was found recently to have many pulmonary embolisms. This was found after he was getting tired just from walking a bit. He does not have cancer that anyone can see. The doctors did suggest that it could still be a cancer but not visible at the moment causing the clots but they also directed him to a specialist in this matters (somewhere in NYC). That doctor suggested that it could very well be a genetic predisposition to embolisms in the lungs. He is being watched now.

Soooo, who know...

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I have a very dear friend that is currently in the hospital with several blood clots in her lungs. They have her on cumadin and put some sort of filter in so if or when the clots break loose the filter is supposed to break them up. I do NOT understand all of what is going on with her. As far as I know she does not have lung cancer but is a breast cancer survivor and has now been diagnosed with cancer because of cells in fluid they drained out of her stomach. They did a hysterectomy on her a week ago and then started chemo last Friday. I do not think they have told her what causes the clots in her lungs but they continue to do different tests, x-rays, ultrasounds, etc. Best of luck and you have my prayers.

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Thank you all for your input it is just so fustrating not to know. It just started so fast one min Gary was great and the next he was having magor problems breathing and every doctor said asthma unill a little over a week ago.His PT/INR was finally at a great level until the nurse took it this morning and it is a tad to low.They called the doctor on call since all of our doctoes are off for the holiday and he uped his coumidan dose. The nurse will come again tomorrow and Sunday to check it.For once I can hardly wait to see the ONC on TUES to ask a bunch of questions.Thank you all again.


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