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Tarceva need some feedback


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Hi all,

I know by reading through these boards that a number of you are doing well and Tarceva. We are in the UK we are having to fight to use this drug basically they won't fund it but you can buy it. NICE (national institute of clininical excellence) will not approve this drug. NICE however just offer guidelines to the NHS and it is actually up the patients primary care trust in there area weather or not they prescribe this drug. It is available however in other parts of the UK free to patients for example Scotland. NICE say that the drug is no more beneficial than cheaper chemotherapy drugs. We all know that patients respond to drugs better than others that goes for any type of drug, but I am trying to highlight the fact that Tarceva does work well in some people and they can respond well to it having good quality of life. I have set up a support website fighting for this drug in the UK some of you may already have been on it. But what I am looking for is some of you guys who are doing well on this drug to post on my website forums so that I have some evidence of the fact. It so hard at the moment I feel as though we are coming up against brick walls all the time fighting for this but I am not going to give up. The URL is http://www.lc-action4life.co.uk

Thanks in advance


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