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Mom was re-dx'd to Stage IV...

Guest bbypookins

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Guest bbypookins

We went in to the onc yesterday to find out the results of Mom's echocardiogram and PET scan. We were most worried about the echo as he had said they thought there was fluid around the heart (pericardial effusion). That wasn't the case, or at least, it was so little he said it wasn't a concern. But, the PET scan showed mets to her vertebrae and her upper left femur, so she was changed to a Stage IV. He's going to start her on four rounds of chemo as soon as they get the appointments set up. Gemzar, I believe. She will go in one day a week for two weeks, then have one week off. After two rounds he will do another scan. He said there is a 50% chance of arresting the cancer and a 20-30% chance of shrinking it. Radiation will be used only to control symptoms, if necessary.

What do you all think of this? Does it sound aggressive enough? Are the percentages accurate? We (my dad, sister and myself), of course, are very worried, but optomistic. Mom is terrified. Any comments, encouragement, discouragement, is welcome. I need information!

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I've taken my first gemzar/vinorelbine treatment today on a 3 week on and 1 week off schedule. Maybe my age or your mom's diabetes are factors for the 2 vs. 3 week schedule. Does any one have experience with gemzar? My onc. said it was highly tolerated. Please seek a 2nd opinion for your mom. Nothing reasures like confirmation. God Bless, Dave

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My wife, Lucie, had bone mets. She had chemo, and then radiation on those mets that either were causing her severe pain or were threatening the integrity of the bone area. Some mets were not treated with radiation. Perhaps your mom's doctors are using the same criteria for radiation. Don

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My dad had very aggressive treatment 5 weeks radiation and 3 months of chemo.. he is a stage III inoperable also. Is it a concern to you that the fluid around your moms heart could be caused by diabetes or the cancer? My dad also had the fluid around his heart and they had to do an emergency surgery on the spot and drain 500 ccs of fluid. Im concerned that comes on with the diabetes my dad only develops diabetes under chemo and treatments. Anyhow my point is my dad did really agressive and it gave him a year cuz the cancer is growing again and he is now trying Iressa. So if you want more i would definatly get a second opinion.. I still wish my dad had.


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Under a trial my dad will get Carbo, something else and Gemzar. Its 2 drugs on day 1, 1 on day 2, then 2 on day 8, 2 on day 15 and then a rest week. And then the cycle starts over.

He just started yesterday


Dad w/ Stage IIIb nslc adenocarcinoma and diabetic, saw some minor pleural effusion

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When Tim was on Gemzar and Carbo he was on the same schedule as your mom. The 1st week he would get both drugs, the 2nd week he would only get Gemzar and the 3rd week was a rest week. He didn't do well on the combo and needed blood transfusions after each cycle. The onc was surprised and says most people do very well on it.

Good luck to your mom.


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