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Home from Chicago!!!

Cindy RN

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I got home this evening about 6:15 cst. I had a great time at the LCSC Bash in Chicago. I am surprised nobody has posted their pics from it yet!!

My camera went dead on the first pic. I took some with my camera phone and video taped some of the evening to show my family here at home.

I had time to shop while there-oh my that place is a shoppers heaven!

Again I can not wait to see the pics. I was so glad to actually put faces and voices with all the people we 'talk' to on here.

Thanks Katie for a great dinner!!

The family and the 'pugs' were glad for mom to be home!!


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I too was so :P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P

to get to meet you all, I did get to shop, Sat am and Sun before I left. The drive home was uneventful except driving I-94 thru Chicago-27 miles and it took 1 hrs. Fri when I was coming into Chicago those 27 miles took almost 2 hrs. City life.

On the way home I kept seeing these strangely dressed men in cars --they seemed like they were having a good time. Then I hear on the radio it was Gay Pride Day in Chicago and there were thousands there for the Big Parade. Well that answered why they were dressed so differently. I am really secluded down here in the cornfields of southern IL

Hope everyone else made it home safely


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I'm glad you're all safely home and it was great seeing you and meeting up with some of you again! Can't wait till next year!

So, Cindy RN, you caught a bit of the Gay Pride parade, huh? :lol: I saw some of it on the news last night.


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