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Update on my Husband


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We had our initial meeting with the surgeon who felt that he could do the VATS surgery using a wedge or section resection. He cannot have another entire lobe removed because he had a lobe removed from his right lung 2 years ago. They feel that this is not a met from his previous Stage 1 in the right lung but this is another primary. He sent us last Thursday for CAT scan and Pulmonary Function Test and arterial blood gas test. We have another meeting with him this Wednesday the 11th. I am hoping nothing has shown up to cancel out having the surgery. My nerves are just frayed right now, but I am trying not to show it in front of my husband. He is 65 and I am 52 years old. I am not ready for something to happen to him, as no one is of someone they love. I am trying to turn all my worries over to the Lord, but I tend to keep taking them back up. Please pray that everything will work out okay for him.


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I know your pain as I have witnessed that first hand. If you read my husbands profile you will see that some is what your husband is going through.

My husband had an upper lobe removed, then a year later had a wedge section using VATS. Today he is NED (no evidence of disease) and is doing really well.

Good luck to you and him and trust in his doctors as they know best.

Hang strong, you will get through this next hurdle. If you need to talk more, you can PM me.

Prayers will be sent to him during my meditation sessions.

Keep us posted and know we are always here for you.

Maryanne :wink:

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