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Anyone on Lyrica?


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My pain doctor put me on Lyrica in addition to the classic opiod-style pain relievers because they believe a lot of my pain is "nerve associated", and this stuff is supposed to help with nerve pain. I was taking one a day for about a week then they upped it to two a day. Then about a week later I noticed some vision problems and trouble concentrating. I stopped it altogether and now I am going for an MRI. Great.

Has anyone taken this drug and experienced similar side effects? I hope its the drug and not some little bugger in my brain. I seem to be slowly getting better now that I am not taking it.


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I have taken Lyrica for pain from a different condition. I did have vision problems and was taken off of it. Trouble concentrating? I would never know, since I've never concentrated on any single thing for more than 30 seconds in my life. However, that side effect is listed as a common issue with this drug in the literature. MC

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I was on Gabapentin, which is a similar drug......no problems like you have mentioned. You may want to give it a try. I can't recall any side effects, and you can really play around with the dosage.......up to many mgs if needed. Good luck and be sure to let us know what you discover.


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My mother took Lyrica for 5 months. She was acting so "loopy" that I called her oncologist. She was having a hard time recalling words, her balance was off, she had to use a cane and was VERY forgetful. The dr. took her off of it and had her go for a brain MRI. It was clear and with time the symptoms faded. Hope the results are as good for you.


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