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Guest tmann11111

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Guest tmann11111

Anybody out there with BAC? If so, has any meds helped or slowed the growth down? My husband has tried Tarceva, Tarceva with Avastin, and 4 months of Carboplatin, Abraxane and Avastin. The doctor has run out of traditional therapies. My husband is close to entering a clinical trial with Velcade or Bortezomib. Anyone know anything about this drug regarding BAC? I guess that is why the trial, but does anyone know anything about Velcade?



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Hi Trudie,

I have Stage IV/BAC going on month 64. It's one that is slow in developing and usually does not metastasize outside the lungs. So far I've had GEMZAR/CARPO, TAXOL, IRESSA (off the market but I think one can still get it, not poitive), NAVELBINE, TARCEVA and ALIMTA. Had great succes with all of them except gemzar/carpo. So don't kow why your doctor would not try one of these for your husband if he has not had them? Might want to inquire. Also if I started back up with treatments it would be Taxotere another one to ask about. Sorry can't help with Velcade. Let us know how things go, prayers for the best.


PS: Also answered your PM.

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My Mom has had good results with Alimta and cisplatin plus radiation for her BAC. The only reason that she got this combo was because she was initially mis-diagnosed with adenocarcinoma, but we just found out today that the tumour has been reclassed as resectable, and she wouldn't have gotten there without the chemo/rads regimen that she was on.

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