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First CT scan to reassess

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It's time for my mom to get her CT scan to reassess the tumors and see how the chemo is working. This is her first CT scan for reassessment purposes. She might have had one in the hospital this summer when she had the horrid infection, absess around the tumor & pnuemonia, but I can't remember. It might have just been an x-ray...???

Since the hosp stay, her coughing has stopped, her vomitting has almost stopped and she's breathing better, not great, but better than she was breathing the beginning of summer.

My anxiety is starting to build up. Mom has been helping me at my daughters' school this week. She is an artist and has been helping me design and build the Haunted House for the school's fall festival. But tonight, as we were building mummies and witches, we remembered that her onc. ordered a CT scan after the 20th. She hasn't made the appointment yet & he wants it done by her chemo appt. Thursday. I am planning to call her in the morning and make sure she's made the appointment.

I want her to do it NOW....but then again, I'm SO scared of the results. I want them to say that everything is responding to the chemo. But then the "what ifs" get to me.

Her onc has already said that her original tumor in the left lung has showed a good response to chemo...but how does he know that for sure without a CT scan?

It's a horrible form of anxiety. And I always wonder how it affects her when she goes home...is she being brave for me or is she not letting it get to her until she has the facts in front of her...

I just know that I am enjoying spending so much time together while we build this crazy haunted house for the kids. I still don't understand how I was nominated by the PTA to be the director of this thing.....thank God for my mom the artist!! I'd be lost without her creativity & skill. =)

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I completely understand the wanting to know now, but then again not wanting to know, just in case it's not what we want to hear. Also that brave front moms put on for us is hard to see through. It's frustrating but as my mom keeps reminding me - "I'm still the mom!" Just keep on enjoying the time you're spending together and the haunted house - I know easy to say. I'm wishing and praying for only positive results! Please keep us posted.



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