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Foggy Eyes!


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My mom's eyes have been bothering her since she started on the chemo and steroids. At times they tear or are foggy and she can't really focus them. Has anyone else experienced this? Any suggestions on what can be done or does she just have to deal with this side effect?

Thanks! Praying for us all everyday!


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Yes, Lucie's eyes teared a lot when she was on chemo. The onc said it was due to blockage in the lachrymal ducts that drain the tears in the eyes. He gave us the name of an opthalmologist who could unplug the ducts, but by the time we were to go to him, she was off chemo and it cleared up. Don

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Yea, My eye sight has not been too good since I started. I tell my doctors but I also tell them I not sure if I just need glasses. Come to think of it I dont think I got any answers from them about this. But I do think its from the treatment. MY eye tear up when im laying down at nightand I cant see small print. I used to have great eye sight. I do think its from the chemo.

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