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To Katie, Rick and friends,


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To Katie and Rick and my family on here,

I just want to once again during this time of the year to give thanks to Katie and Rick for making a dream they had come true and look how far it has come! Now there is Lungevity.. we are making a difference! Big time. We are getting the word out there. I am so thankful for this site for making it happen.

Katie and Rick, you guys are angels here on earth. You have helped us connect in a way no else could.

I wish my family on here a great thanksgiving and count your blessings for being with your love ones another year.

As we celebrate these holidays it is very important for me to let my family on here who have lost love ones, and it has been many, to know there is a hole in my heart for you and I pray that you get through the holidays with the love and support of family and friends.

Please remember the wonderful memories of holidays past when they were here to celebrate with you and that will keep keep your loves alive through those memories embedded in the depts of your soul.

Please know that they are only a whisper away and could never leave you, emotionally and spiritually.

G-d bless you all and have a healthy, safe holiday full of wonderful memories of the present and times past.


Maryanne & Joel

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Beautiful post, Maryanne.

I too would like to thank Katie and Rick for making this place possible for us. I am truly thankful to be a part of such a warm, caring,and understanding group. I am also very appreciative for all the educational resources that have been and are always being collected ( by our dedicated members) to help us through each day. And last , but not least, I would like to thank Dr. West for all the time , information and support he has given to us.

I'm thankful for all of you . For those of you celebrating Thanksgiving today, I hope you can find reasons to be thankful and may God comfort you if you are feeling lost and alone. God Bless you all.

Love and Prayers,


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Katie and Rick -- I sincerely can't imagine having gone through the journey of Bill's illness, and this journey of my loss without the people here.

God Bless you both.

Maryanne, thank you for always being such a support here and for reminding us of what we have.

Much love to all,

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Please allow me to jump in here and add my thanks also.

When I first found this site I'd spent nearly a year looking for a place that was not filled with anger and despair to share my concerns and feelings. I knew right off the bat that this was it.

It takes the right people and right perspective to make LCSC successful and that is obvious in everything we hear and see from Katie and Rick.

Thank You for all you do and all you have done.


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