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What food to make?


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I want to make food for my sister to eat. She is short of breath and coughing. She was just diagnosed with Stage 3 and is currently going through tests. I made her some chicken soup but I need ideas of what else would be good for her. She's lost 15 lbs and was tiny to begin with. Thanks for any suggestions.

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I guess I would ask her what she is hungry for. There are no rules as to what or what not to eat.

What ever makes her happy would be my suggestion. If she's not hungry then I suggest Ensure or Boost soft foods Jello, etc. Sometimes we aren't always hungry when we don't feel good. It's all part of it. Ice cream is always good too or Sherbert.

Has she started any kind of treatments yet? Tell her that VICKS on the buttom of her feet has been known to help stop coughing. I'm serious, we have had some of the people in my Lung Cancer Support Group do it and they swear it works.

Could you please take minute and read over my PROFILE below and then take another minute and fill out your sister's PROFILE for us so we know what kind of cancer she has and what treatments,etc., etc., It's so much easier if you would do that for us to help you. It gets hard to try and remember all the people's treatments if we have nothing to look at, or if we have to go back to your old posts to see what kind of cancer etc. Thank you. At the top of the page you will see My PROFILE, click on it and scroll down to Signature and then fill out her information and click SUBMIT.

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Thanks Connie. I will certainly do the profile thing once I know more. She had a biopsy done and all I know is she is stage 3. I hope to know more this week.

And it's funny about the Vick's thing. I do that for my three year old and it works!

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I agree with Connie about the ice cream. One of my Dr's kept telling me that the time I was on chemo was probably the only time in my life that I didn't have to worry about the calories and fat I was consuming - so eat whatever it is I was craving. I had so many milkshakes during chemo!!

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Mashed potatoes with or w/o gravy, really good macaroni and cheese (homemade, not from a box), ice cream, fudgsicles, oatmeal, and cream of wheat were some of the things I liked best during chemo. My next door neighbor made mac and cheese for me every week or so. Wouldn't have survived without it or her.


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