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Just popping in to say hi!


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Hello to everyone! Most of you probably don't remember me as I have not been on in quite awhile but I just wanted to pop in and say 'hi'. My mom has been in remission for over 2 years now and I just took her for her follow up appt with her oncologist and seeing all the sick people there reminded me that many people are still fighting this battle. I wanted to come back here to tell you all that there is hope! We weren't sure mom would last longer than a couple months and here a couple years later she is still trucking along! She has still had some issues, sometimes has troubles breathing due to her emphysema and the damage done to her lungs, but she does not let it slow her down much. We just got back from a trip to Wyoming! My nephew (mom's first grandchild) got married there and mom and dad were determined to get there come hell or high water. (Funny phrase as we've had family here at home battling flood waters lately, and my nephew was planning to wed on a rock bed in a river but location had to be changed a bit as high water kept them off the rock bed!)

Anyway, we were not sure mom could make the trip due to the high altitude and altitude issues with getting on an airplane but her doctor gave her some sort of altitude simulation test and she passed with flying colors. Mom did have some difficulty breathing when we stopped for a layover in Denver and once or twice once we got to Wyoming but I know she is so happy she was able to make the trip!

Hugs to all of you!


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Hi Karen!

I DO remember you and I am so thilled to read this update!!! I am so happy for Mom and for all of you that she is doing so well. What a lovely trip that must have been for her to see her grandson get married!! Congrats to ALL of you!!

Keep in touch!!!

Warm Hugs


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