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Butterball Daddy

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Ahhhh Cr*p! Another obsticle. After the CT Scan and finding out that the Tumors have shrunk they also found fluid in my dad's lung...and so he's in the hospital for about a week till recovery. They are draining it out tomorrow and he will be there till next week. They postponed his third round of chemo from next wekk to the week after to make sure he's going in with FULL recovery.

ANyone else have experince with the fluid in the lung thing? Is this common?



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Hi Gabby. Yes a few of us here have had fluid build up on our lungs. Mine was 3 litres worth prior to diagnosis. That was what really first led me to the start of my journey and getting into the hospital. I could barely walk a half a block without having to stop. So yes it is a common thing with lc. The draining procedure was not bad. It was the first thing they did for me in the hospital and it took a number of days to drain. You are conscious during the procedure which is usually just done in your hospital room. It is a bit of a pain after though cause you are hooked up and not very independent. Best wishes for a smooth procedure for your dad and continued prayers and positive thoughts.


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Hi, Gabby. Yes, fluid buildup is quite common, and that's what led to my diagnosis. You may have noticed that Sandra referred to it as fluid ON the lung rather than IN the lung, and that was not a typo. The fluid is not in the lung, but in the space between the lung and the chest wall, and the buildup of fluid there presses against the lung, compressing and sometimes collapsing it, greatly reducing lung function.

Draining the fluid is usually quite simple and painless (local anesthetic). I sat on the exam table and watched the ultrasound monitor as the radiologist guided in the needle and drained a liter of fluid, and my breathing improved immediately. During my exploratory surgery 2 weeks later, more fluid was drained, but it has not recurred and the residual pockets of trapped fluid gradually diminished during chemo.



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