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Thursday's Air


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Morning all! We had a real downpour of much needed rain this morning but the sun's out now and the wind has died down a bit. We're hoping for calm winds since we'll be driving all day in the motorcoach tomorrow and high winds make for a difficult drive for Stan.

I'm running early since this is the BIG packing day. We try to do a little at a time when we get down to the last week but that last day is always a bugger. We're both ready for a roadtrip and we always try to plan something nice when I have to go to MD Anderson. This time we'll spend a couple of days with my son and family and celebrate May Birthdays (my daughter-in-law and youngest grandson) and stop in Port St Lucie and spend time with my daughter and grandson, oh yes and daughter's new boyfriend (big sigh).

Have a great day everyone. I have my At&t mobile device so should be checking in from time to time while I'm travelling.

Judy in Key West

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Good morning everyone!

The weather here is perfect again - 61 and sunny.

Have a wonderful time on your trip Judy !!

I have been back at the preschool this week helping out with the kids mother's day gifts - it is a BIG deal with preschoolers!! I am EXHAUSTED - confirmation that retirement was right for me!

Now I am off to a different dermatologist - one at Yale who knows more about Tarceva - I hope she has a trick up her sleeve - because Tarceva has done so well for me but I don't know how much longer I can deal with this itchy, painful (not to mention ugly!) scalp.

I think I will treat myself to a Dairy Queen on the way back!!

Chocolate dipped in chocolate - YUM

have a wonderful day!

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Good morning everyone.

Happy and safe travels Judy.

Janet....so sorry about your tarceva troubles. I experienced them for awhile and I know how awful they can be. Hopefully they can come up with a magic bullet for you.

Mike, glad to hear you have grandkids nearby. I bet they help keep you young.

It is a glorious sunny day here today. Had to pick up my sick son from school. Bad cold and of course all the kids at school are panicked over the swine flu. Apparently making face masks from paper was the activity of the day. I hope the panic about this slows down soon. We have one confirmed case on the island, a 30 year old lady who was in Mexico.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Janet, I'm really jealous of that Dairy Queen--vanilla/choc twist or banana split blizzard are my favorites. Our Dairy Queen is halfway to old town and in an out of the way spot. Half the time we forget it's there (lucky for our waistelines).

Mike, now that nap sounds like it was so worth it--it got you up again for a sunny day! Sandra, sometimes grandkids keep you young and sometimes they just wear you out. Right Mike!

Sandra, I get annoyed at how the media hypes everything and gets the kids all riled up. They are turning out to be a very fearful generation of kids and it's no wonder why.

The BIG packing day has worn me out and now my husband has invited a neighbor over for a hamburger because his wife's away. I'm going to be on the couch watching TV and let the guys eat and talk. I don't feel up to chit-chat.

Judy in Key West

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