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Turtle Shell


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I am so sorry I missed Ann's FINALLY Friday. I woulda coulda shared my tale of woe with you all. No big deal. My husband and I had a HUGE fight a few days ago over NOTHING. Those of you who are or who have been married probably are familiar with them. Difference with this one is I crawled into my emotional turtle shell and am still trying to come out. Dominick is with us but I can't even totally get my head out for him.

Ned, so sorry about Lani's mother. I'm really glad you got the real kind of help you needed so you can rest. It's a struggle to be there for someone when all you want to do is have a chemo crash and burn.

Heidi, I didn't know about your second job. Bless you, that's a trying one but hey, watch those bathroom run jokes. I'm on Alimta lol.

Ann you are good to spend so much time at the Legion. People don't realize that a lot of those old organizations are struggling with an aging membership. My dear friend Jim who died last year worked tirelessly for the Lyons Club here for that reason. I don't know what they are doing without him.

Donny, hope your BBQ came off dry and you got to play. Wish I played an instrument because I think it would be good for the soul. Feel better soon. You need sunshine. All that rain doesn't help pain.

O.k. Debbie, now let us know how all those tests go. No matter what the reason, it all sounds exhausting and worrisome.

Denise, I have missed you and would have probably pm'd you by now if I wasn't stuck in that shell. Hope the docs get your brother feeling better real soon. Don't you just hate those misdiagnoses.

Sorry you're having the chemo fatigue Sandra. We survivors all know that well. Your weekend sounds heavenly.

Lily, you have family visiting don't you? I remember when I've had my son and his family and my daughter and her son. Great time. Absolutely exhausting.

Randy, have a great time on Sunday. Too bad you're not close enough to scoop Donny up and take him with you.

Well, I know this is very very long. I just feel so badly that I didn't come on line and talk to my good friends yesterday. I'm sure it would have lifted my mood. But I'm here today and want to wish you all a good day and a great weekend.

Judy in Key West

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Judy, I know all too well about those emotional shells and how hard it is to come crawling out sometimes. Every single married couple that I know has those "fights" and we usually have a hard time figuring out what they were really all about in the first place.

So...it's Monday....come on out and play!~!!

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