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Saturday's Air


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Morning All! The Air is in Just for Fun so I'll put my woes in another post. It's a bright sunny day and the boat finally pulled out with the guys and fishing poles. I'm going straight to the shower from here to get ready to go to town and deposit (on Saturday no less) the checks that went undeposited all Week since Tuesday. I'll also go to the drug store and Office Max as I've been trying to do since I was on the mainland. Hopefully, I'll be able to connect with my friend Lorrine while I'm in town and we can rebond over a Dunkin Donut and cup of coffee. Don't care about the weight factor that just keeps climbing.

I tried doing something this morning that I've done a few times before. That is open two internet explorer windows so I can address the comments of each and every one of you that you posted on yesterdays air. I should have known better. Lately, I'm lucky if I can successfully open one internet window. More often than not, it takes me twenty to thirty minutes before I can get email or post to LCSC. I don't know if it's my computer, my server or the new Explorer 8 I downloaded while I was gone. It's been going on for weeks. So just let me say Ann, and Lilly, and Susan, and Heidi, and ts--your contributions this past week have been appreciated more than you know. I'm in a big big pit and your company helps bring me up briefly from time to time. Thanks.

Hope you all have a great day.

Judy in Key West

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Good morning!

It's still hot and humid here in Alabama. But I've already been on a work phone call and am now getting ready to go out and water the tomato plants.

Unfortunatley, Heidi and I did not get to meet yesterday. There were some logistical issues that kept popping up. I hope she has a safe trip home today.

I hope you get all your errands done Judy. I hear you on the slow computer. it takes mine forever to get on the internet when I first turn it on. I'm supposed to have "high speed" acess too. I'm thinking it is the computer and the fact that I don't have enough RAM, but don't know for sure.


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Beautiful day here. Temperature is only supposed to reach into the mid 90s. Nice breeze blowing. I think I will spend most of the day outside enjoying it. We are supposed to be back into the 100s tomorrow and the rest of the week.

I will be absent for a couple of days. My nephew is going out of town and my sister in law wants me to go down to her house and stay with her while he is gone. I should be back home late Wednesday. I will be missing fitness class but maybe I will try to do some of my exercises on my own again. Hope you all stay well and safe . Lillian

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