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Monday's Air


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Morning All! Another nice day here. Any day above 70 degrees when I wake up now is a nice day.

It's Bud BD, Happy Birthday again Bud. Do you work at one of those companies that give you your BD off? Probably not. Not too many of those around. If not, at least goof off a little.

Ned, glad you're feeling better. I loved the bikini bit but be very careful with those Percoset. We don't want to have to hop the bus to come bail you out.

ts, your husband's special day dinner sounded great. Laurie what a wonderful family day your Easter was. I agree your Bill was surely there. And Sandy, sounds like you folk in Canada are enjoying some of our good weather now too.

Have a great day. But Ann, no telling tales on me in FB now that my grandson can see my page. Especially no saying he was a little bent cause he said I outfished him yesterday. Just on the docks Bud. It was too rough to go out.

Judy in KW

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OK, Judy...not tales. I just told him he was lucky to have such a cool grandma! Fact...no tales involved.

Beautiful Monday morning, here. Sunny, warm, clear skies and a beautiful shuttle launch this morning. Only three more launches until the end of the shuttle program. So sad for those of us that are so accustomed to watching from out yards. Even sadder for the thousands of people that will be losing their jobs.

Here's a few pics I tool of the little ones and their new dog, Finn.





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Morning, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUD,, WOW I love the new format / ideas on the board, as always great job Katie. We are sposed to have a pretty nice day, maybe 50, then snow again tonight. At least the snow is gone in a day down here but is still accumulating in the higher mountains. We have been so far below normal for years, Vegas is probably really getting mad at us since all of the water they use in their fountains comes from up here. I got a new camera today, maybe one of these days I'll figger out how to post photos so everyone can see my new puppy before he dies of old age. :D Have a whole day ya'll ..


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Yes Katie it is awesome!

Before I forget Happy Birthday Bud I hope it is a fabulous one.

Well high of 52 here today and rain. Let me tell you by 830 this morning I had many things go wrong. Caught my son had forged a reading paper for school with his dads name. I was cool calm and collective and he just started crying and was so upset with himself I had to excuse myself to call my mom to see if I should punish him or not he was so upset I didnt want to hurt him more but want to make sure that he knows the seriousness of it. He is only 9 and read WAY above grade level and is very smart. So then my daughter wakes up not feeling well. Says her tummy hurts. We left to take her brother to school and there is our cat limping. Checked her out she seemed ok, was going to bring her in when we got back and now she is out galavanting again. So I need to call search and rescue to find her lol (my mom again). Then we get in the car to take him to school he goes to close the door and gets his head smashed between the door and seat because he would not sit up front because he was STILL upset....Well needless to say me and my daughter are back in bed :shock:

Have a great day everyone!

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Now that I can finally log in again, good morning, everyone!

It was 70 degrees as I drove in this morning (no day off for me today, Judy), cloudy and windy. The forecast high is 81. Tomorrow is supposed to be about the same before evening storms move in ahead of the cold front.

I hope everyone had a good Easter weekend. I went fishing Friday. Then on Saturday morning, I joined four friends for a 24 hour randonneuring ride called a fleche. We rode 243 miles. Then Rose and I spent a few hours crappie fishing Sunday afternoon. She loves bobber fishing for crappie when they're shallow in the spring, so that's what we did.

Great photos, Ann! Glad to hear you're recovering well, Ned. I hope your day smooths out, Heidi.

Thanks for the happy birthday wishes, everyone. I think my daughters are coming over for dinner this evening. Tomorrow, I have to take off a couple of hours for a doctor appointment. It's my six month checkup at my primary care doctor. Six month checkups seem to be my only doctors' appointments these days; I'm enjoying that. Have a great day, all!

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Bud, I used to love bobber fishing. In fact, here I live in the FL Keys and my favorite fishing was from the bridges here years ago and floating down a stream in PA. We were in a canoe and the water was so low some places, Stan would have to get out and pull me in the canoe through the rocks. He wouldn't let me get out. Said he was afraid I'd trip and fall and knock myself out. Of course later he would tell the story about towing the canoe and the "princess" in it lol.

Heidi, that just sounds like a terrible day. I know what you mean tho, I have a grandson like your son. If he does ever do something bad, he gets so upset. Can't play into it tho.

Donny, I know what you mean. Ned coached me to get my avatar on. I've done stuff in photobucket since but every time it's been awhile, I can't figure it out again.

Ann, the pics of the little ones and the puppy are dear. What cuties.

And Katie, I will try that attachment tool when I get a chance.

Judy in KW

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I am still upset over the whole thing. So here is what it I did. He came home from school early said he has a headache (but he is fine) so I laid my girl down and sat down and told him that me and his dad both love him but are not mad at him but we need to talk this out as to why he did it, consequences if he did it again, and how we can prevent it. The talk went rather well and he understands then of course I said you know when adults do it they go to jail for something called fraud. Hopefully he understands it was wrong.....

what do you all think?

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