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Chemo Angels


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Hello Survivors!

I ran across what looked to be a really great web site. It is www.chemoangels.com. As a survivor, you can sponsor somebody going through chemo and treatment. You would be given a buddy to send cards and small gifts too to on a monthly basis while they undergo treatment. You can also make a referral of someone or even fill out an application for your self. I haven't explored it fully yet, but thought it was a neat idea. I thought perhaps we could do something similar with our own group Katie B.. Is there any interest out there to do such a thing? I wouldn't mind sponsoring someone with little gifts that helped me through chemo and some encouraging cards. How bout it folks?


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What a wonderful idea. I know that any time this board gave me the opportunity to send a card to someone I tried to do it because I know that the tons of cards we got when Earl first got sick was so helpful to us.

Knowing people care is just an amazing feeling.


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Hi Cheryl--- What a great idea. I am 1500 miles away from my family and i give thanks everyday for the computer. When i put it on and see a email from a member of my family i know it will be a good day emotionally for me. I am sure many would love to receive a card just knowing someone cares. Carlton

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Hey Everyone,

What if we had had some sort of icon to to cick on....one that contained an application, or questions included in the already propsed biographies mentioned by Laurie. Information necessary would be about diagnosis, current/ or upcoming treatment, address and phone number, ect.. One could make a referal, or fill it out for themself as a sponsor or a recipient. Perhaps Rick would know more about the capabilities of writing such a program. For instance, could we be matched with someone based on ...location, age, diagnosis, gender, ect.? I sure wouldn't want to volunteer poor Rick, but would it be too much too include this info in perhaps the already poposed biography section? Maybe people could also be notified automaticaly by e-mail of a paired match or something..? I think it would be too difficult to manage manually, but am willing to assist in any way I can. Any ideas anyone?


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