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Is that dificult to be that positive?

Guest bucky_a

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Guest bucky_a

I,m still clean for this monster, extremly happy for that. but for how long?Is somebody here that live 12 years without recurrence? I know I should be streamly happy but always in the back of my mind is the C word.

Praying for all of us


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yes , u can be positive- and you should be!

There are many, many lung cancer survivors (long term). One thing to keep in mind is that as people get farther from diagnosis..... they tend to get on with their lives and probably either quit visiting these type of online forums, or check in very infrequently.

There is hope fo sure, and with each passing month- the research helps to solidify better treatment options.....

I am a big advocate of using conventional medical care- AND also helping yourself by following complimentary stratgeies. Diet, attitude, meditation, hypnosis, prayer, excercise.... rest... etc - all play an important role. things we CAN control.

In the meantime- I plan on focusing on my precious relationships, and knowing that in the words of St paul " to live is Christ, and to die is gain" .. .Life beyond today is not guarnteed for ANYONE.... but the thought of being in heaven with the Lord Jesus some day makes living SO much better & easier..... I would like Him to say "well done my good and faithful servant".... :)

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I had a neighbor growing up that was a 25 yr survivor before heart attack. My mentor ( who helped me cope) was a 10 yr survivor, now is a 16 yr survivor, he had his right upper lobe out, and 2 ribs, chemo, radiation and loves to golf. Right here on this site , David is a 25 yr survivor. Some do make it for sure. Donna G (6 yr survivor

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Please don't lose hope. There are survivors out there. In fact, there was a member on this site, Lynn, whose father was diagnosed with SCLC in 1983. He succumbed to the disease in October of 2003. He remained in remission for 20 years after being diagnosed with the most aggressive and virulant of LC types. There are people in every stage and every type of lung cancer that are surviving this disease. There is no reason you couldn't be one of them. You'll kick the Crap out this disease.

Take care Bucky, and I'll be sending you some prayers for continued remission.


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