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Tuesday's Air

Bud Baker

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Good morning, everyone!

It was a little cooler, 70 degrees, as I rode to work this morning. They're still calling for a high of 96 degrees this afternoon.

So much for the forecast about the wind being less yesterday, it was a 20 to 30 mph headwind as I rode home. It's hard to ride a recovery pace against that much wind. You just don't move much.

I got a light show as I rode to work this morning, watching the lightning in the storms approaching from the west. I knew I'd get to work before they got here, and it's supposed to clear off behind them, so I figured it was ok to ride to work. As it turned out, they seem to all be dissipating just before they get here, anyway.

It's just another day of slaving away at the job here. Have a great day, all!

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It's really hot, hot, hot here in central Florida. When I walked out to my car this morning (8:00) the heat almost knocked me over. I talked to someone yesterday that had been boating on the ocean and he said the water was as warm as bath water. That's not a good sign for us now that hurricane season is here.

I'm ready to get back to posting every day, now that jury duty is over and work is back to normal.

I miss you all and think of you every day!

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