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Tuesday's Air


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Morning All! Temp is up to 85 again at 8:30 am but the wind is really blowing out there. I'll be up and out soon enough--finger prick and pre-chemo visit with the PA at the Cancer Center today. They've moved me from afternoon to late morning since the snowbirds left. Works better for me having to go back into town for group.

Loved reading all the posts on the "View new posts" yesterday. It was nice feeling like it took forever to do replies. I always go back and read the previous Air when I come in too. That way I always get my member "news" in the morning, never mind it's a day late. I often read my local newspaper that way too. Strange, huh lol.

Have a great day everyone.

Judy in KW

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Good morning, everyone!

It was 76 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high for today is 101 degrees.

We've had Hush Puppies shoes in this country for a long time, too, Eric, but hushpuppies are also fried cornbread balls. That link will tell you more about them.

I took my morning break in my old office yesterday, then ate lunch in my new one. I went home after work and mowed and trimmed the back yard. My yard isn't that big, so I usually just mow it all at once, but after spending the day moving my office stuff across a 100+ degree machine shop, then riding home on a 100+ degree afternoon, I decided that mowing only the back yard had given me my quota of heat for the day.

Have a great day, all!

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Good morning all. Once again, it's hot, hot, hot here in central Florida. Judy, be glad you have a breeze blowing there. I know even a breeze can help when it's this hot. I had to laugh yesterday, when I realized it was the first day of summer. It's felt like summer for months here!

Bud...you be careful mowing the grass in this heat. Wait for a cloudy day when the sun isn't beating down so hard to do that mowing. Did lunch taste different in your new office? Hope you're all settled in.

I hope this week flies by, as I'm looking forward to a nice weekend in Orlando for our American Legion convention. Lots of meetings but at least a change in scenery!

Hope everyone has a nice day today and manages to keep cool.

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Hi all! Last night was a crazy Michigan storm night. It's unusual to get tornadoes here. It's not that it's rare, but does not happen often. And I usually will sleep through a storm, but this one was a doozy. My Satellite TV wouldn't work with all the lightning, so I went to my lap top (which has Verizon cell card on it), and brought up the local TV station to see that there were tornado warnings everywhere, and our little town (which is very, very little) was in the warning area.

So I woke Hubs up and told him we needed to get to the basement, grabbed the lap top and we saw that a tornado touched down very close to us. The storm calmed down and we went back to bed.

I was so surprised this morning to not find tree branches, or leaves blown around because the wind was howling, but we were good! We didn't lose power, and no lightning damage so all is good!

Tonight is supposed to be another rough night. We have very high humidity, and these fronts come across the big lake and build in humidity due to the huge lake being very cold, and the air very hot, so it picks up that humidity and dumps it on us, the air becomes very unstable, and this is what June tornado weather is for us here. It's 85 here, but it feels like it's over 100 with this sticky weather. Yuck. Going to ask if we can go out tonight, and NOT sit outside.

Judy in MI

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