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Saturday's Air


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Morning All! And it is still morning here today Eric--8:16 am to be exact. I really enjoyed reading all your posts on yesterday's Air this morning. What a rough day yesterday was but not as bad as Judy in MI. Sorry about all that trouble girl.

Hi Heidi, so good to see you! How's it shakin?

Stephanie, your work endurance is just like mine. When I overdo, it's like last night. Ate an early dinner and konked out on the couch for a 2-hr nap. Speaking of konked out--you will not believe it but I fell out of bed last night. And I was awake when I did it. I have one of those really high beds and konked myself good on my lower backbone and head. I stayed up and iced for awhile. Was afraid to go to sleep in fear I had a concussion with no one else awake here to make sure I didn't slip away lol.

Eric, I love a parade and your festivities today sound lots more fun than the day I have planned in the home office. Have fun. I laughed at your physicians response to your CT. Think she knows mine at MDA?

Have a great day everyone. Have to get to work.

Judy in KW

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Up early too. The A/C guy is here working on the problem. Found out I can stream some videos on my lap top though with the air card, I get that pesky lag time for the show to catch up, which is totally not the same as watching TV. LOL! We don't watch a lot of TV, but I do like it on at night as we wind down for the day. Oh well....could be a lot worse.

And it's not hot which is a blessing. It's humid and the air is heavy, but at least it's not 90 degrees out. So happy there too.

I think I'll get dressed and take myself out for breakfast. Hubs is golfing, so I might as well just splurge and eat out, get my nails done, and waste some time.

Judy, glad you are okay after falling out of bed! We have one of those high up beds too. Would not be good to fall out of. For sure.

Well, have a good day folks.

Judy in MI

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Good afternoon, everyone!

I threw the kayak on the truck yesterday and spent the day fishing. This morning, I got up early and drove to Cleburne to ride the Tour de Goatneck charity bike ride. It's lots of rolling hills and great scenery. There were around 2,500 other riders. I finished with an 18.0 mph average speed, which is the best I've done on this ride's hills. Then, to relax, I came home and mowed the back yard.......LOL. I'm cooling off before I go back out and run the trimmer.

Wow, it sounds like both Judy's had a tough day yesterday. I hope today is going a lot better. Heidi, it sounds like you're working too many hours. That has a way of catching up with you.

Eric, your doctor is not the only one who isn't convinced about the value of CT scans for early detection. It's hotly debated here, and there are still large studies going on. A study that was done a few years ago showed great five year survival rates for patients who had early cancer found by CT scans, but critics pointed out that everyone scanned, not just those who had cancer found and treated, should have been followed, and the study should have followed everyone until they died, not just five years, since that's what would be necessary to really find out how much CT scans affect overall mortality rates. Ongoing studies are doing just that, so it will be interesting to see what they find.

Have a great day, all!

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