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I am new to the forum seeking more information on treatment and ways to help a family member with cancer. I look forward to seeing what information this group provides.



Welcome. Can you tell us what kind of Cancer your family member has? Is it lung cancer? There are several kinds of lung cancer as small cell, non small cell , Squamous cell carcinoma, Adenocarcinoma. ?Any Idea. Have they had a biopsy, any treatment prescribed yet?

Donna G


Hi Corrina,

Lots of questions like Donna stated. Could you share the diagnosis, recommended treatment/surgery plans, etc.? It's hard to give advice until we know what your loved one is dealing with. Once we know more details, we can point you to resources that apply to his/her diagnosis, or tell you what we experienced it if is similar to what this person is going through.

Look forward to learning more details about this.

Judy IN MI


Hi Corrina,

I just joined recently myself and this forum has been a world of help and support. Like they said more info is needed but everyone here is a great supply of information and a world of emotional support.


She actually has breast cancer but when I was Googling for cancer support this forum kept having links to it. I figured I would sign up and find as much useful information as I could.

She is currently going through chemo but may have to have a double mastectomy soon depending on how the rest of her test results come back. We live in another state and it is hard to figure out ways to help while still staying home so our kids don't miss a lot of school.


Hi Corrina,

Welcome here again, but this site is for people with/surviving, or caregiving folks with lung cancer. You won't find much information here because most of us don't have experience with that cancer.

However, http://www.cancergrace.org is a great support site for all kinds of cancers. Check it out. It may give you better answers to your questions.

I wish you and her the best as she moves through treatment.

Judy in MI


Cancergrace would like to grow into education for all types of cancer, but for now, the site concentrates on lung cancer and forays into throat and head cancers.

Breast cancer is so heavily funded and researched, you may find exellent resources through local organizations such as nearby hospitals, Gilda's Clubs, and such. In Seattle, Cancer Lifeline is for all, but heavily leans towards programs for breast cancer. When I called originally, they said, "Oh too bad you have lung cancer, we have many more resources for breast cancer patients." They distribute support from the Komen Foundation, I think.

Best to you and your loved one.

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