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Saturday's Air

eric byrne

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Good Afternoon Everybody,

Hooray! Iam back,I just couldnt stand the thought of waiting offline until Tuesday,so I decided to take my laptop to my sister Dot, her son Derek,is another Whizz kid on computers,he teaches the subject in High School.Well Derek had a good look over all the laptops progs,decided the whole set up is a mess and wanted to erase the machine completely and reset it up properly,however suggested that I should buy a separate hard drive to save my many pics stored there and some other files.Well down to PC World,found this clever little gizmo that holds trillions of something,but I have quite forgot what,anyway,I dont own a printer so while we were there I picked up a beauty for £150,(£50 discounted)well unfortunately I had to leave the laptop with Derek overnight while he worked his majic on it.Went in this afternoon to pick it up boy has it had a spring clean,complete new set up,he has got rid of all the junk and it is so much easier to find things.I had set up the printer at home,its a Cannon,but need setting up properly dosnt it?Derek do you think you could come home with me and set up my printer? I owe him,refused any reward from me,now I am a child with a new toy,the things this printer can do?,well it will take me a wee while to discover all its tricks,but this is fun,think I should have bought spare cartridges.I have a home movie thingy underneath the TV for playing DVDs it also has a USB port,we tried to play the new harddrive through it,but it wont play,oh well.

I am really enjoying the Masters,although I have been so busy I havent seen a lot of it so far,but BBC are showing 3 1/2 hours to-night from 8.30pm onwards,so its Indian Tandoori Mixed Grill,nantara sauce with it,from the Spice of India absolutely delish,wish I could share it with you.I will also have a wee drop of the amber nectar,can anyone have a better Saturday night?,I might drop by after the golf finishes at Midnight.I am wishing you all a similarly happy Saturday,Bye.

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Oh yeah, I have a Canon printer as well. Thing came almost free with my computer. Too bad the ink cartridges are $35 a pop - and last not so long. I don't do much printing, but boy do they add up.

No golf for me. I guess with the Masters on, I can skip disturbing my Dad for another day.

Gray outside - yesterday was the first blue sky after 41 days of no noticeable clearing! There were sun breaks in there, I swear. I'm coming out of my chemo stupor. Time for a little late breakfast.

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Eric - we were going to have a welcome back party - did you read yesterdays' air. Bruce was going to jump out of a cake for you wearing the tutu you sent him. I know we had a lot more planning to do - I imagine there might have even been a welcome back toast but you couldn't stay away from us. Guess we will have to have another reason to have a party.

We just got back from the grocery store - wow to teenagers eat alot - he had to have a snack and now I have to go cook dinner (salmon cakes yummm). They (Keith and Marco) are out there in the living room playing XBox and Playstation - and after dinner one of them is gonna have to let me play - I picked up Rock Band Country Pack 2 - it may actually have some songs on it I can stand to play.

It's a little chilly here and I just realized I left my light jacket at the detention center the last time I visited Marco - of course WalMart doesn't have winter stuff out they have already changed over to spring stuff - never will understand that.

Anyway - guess I'll head to the kitchen to slave over a hot stove (good thing the rest of the weeks menu contains all the things Keith will cook).


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